Chapter 3

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Lyrics P.O.V

After the Alpha shows me to my room I unpack my stuff and change into a tank top,Nike shorts and flats. I put my hair in a high ponytail and sit on my bed.

I pull out my book and open it up to my chapter, As I'm reading my door is slammed open and when I look up I see a boy around my age with jet black hair and blue eyes.

I look into his eyes and only one word pops into my head 'beloved' me and him stare at each other until he speaks.

"Mate" he says as he comes towards me,I sit up and scoot away from him until my back hits the head board,He climbs on top of me not looking away from me.

I look up at him and he just looks down at me,"Can I ask who are you?" I say as so many emotions run through his eyes.

"My names Jackson and im the beta of the pack im so happy i found you" he says as he pulls me closer. Im still shocked what if he rejects me like John and beats...more important what will he do when he finds out im a vampire.

"Can i ask you something?" i say as i sit crissed crossed on the bed, he nods and sits next to me. "Would you still want me if i told you i was a vampire?" i ask him. He silent for a minute as a hint of disgust flashes through his eyes.

A tear slips down my cheek,"Nevermind" i say as he trys to hug me but i scoot away. "People always find my kind disgusting but i didnt expect that from my own mate" i say im full out crying. He trys to come closer to me but i shake my head and fly out my window.

My vision is blurry as im flying "Lyric are you okay where are you?" says Lilly through our new pack link. "Im fine..ill be back soon' i say cutting her off. I land by a pond and sit on one of the rocks,I stare at my reflection and bust into tears.

Why did i have to be a vampire...John was right my kind is just embarrising. I wish my mom was here i cant do this on my own why does everyone hate me. I know im a vampire the mortal enemy of werewolfs but im diffrent.

More tears run down my face as all the comments come back to me....I wish your kind was dead so you can die with them you dont deserve to live but i guess the moon goddess was high when she let you into the world. And that came from my very own brother.

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