Chapter twelve: a bride with a gun

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I woke up in my hotel room. today's the day I'm getting married. getting married to Dimitri. for some reason I'm nervous. there was a knock on the door. I knew exactly who it was. opened the door and there stood the belikov sisters, olena, and Laura. They walked in and once the door was closed they started saying orders. vik told me to shower. when I was done they put me in a robe with just my bra and panties on under it.

They sat me down in a chair and started doing my hair. I had natural wave so there was no need to curl it before hand. They put my hair in a bun and left two strands if hair around my face. "hey when are you gonna put on my veil and tiara?" I ask curious. "Right after we put your dress on." karolina said. once my hair was done they were doing each others hair and refused to let me help. "but I can braid amazingly. just ask Laura." I stated confidently. they all turned to look at Laura. "yeah she can braid. she's braided my hair I don't know how many times." Laura said smiling. "thank you. come one let me do at least one of the braids, please." I begged. olena smirked. "she's right girls. she learned how from the best." olena said. "who would that be?" vika asked curiously. "my mother." I say smiling sadly. "can you let me do this for my mother?" they just nodded. vika came and sat in front of me. her hair was already curled. I the side stand and braided the lefts side then the right. I pulled the two sides together in the middle of the back I her head and bobby pinned them together. I put in a white rose flower clip to cover the bobby pin and her hair was done. They said that they'd do the others after the make up.

We moved on to make up. They put on some tan natural looking eyeshadow. they out on black eyeliner on the bottom of my eye, and black liquid eyeliner on the top making a winged look. they put on tons of coats of mascara making them look longer than ever. they put some foundation on to cover up any blemishes or mistakes on my face. they set it with some powder. They put on some hot pink lipstick to make my lips look big and luscious, and once they were finished they let me look. when I saw myself I was shocked. I didn't recognize myself. I was looking at myself in the mirror when someone knocked on the door. I got up and Sonya took my place.

I got up and opened the door and there stood Eddie and mason. when they saw my face their eyes almost popped out of his head and their mouths almost hit the floor. "what's up guys?" I ask ignoring they're stares. " you look amazing." Mason stutters out. "thanks mase." I say smiling shyly. "rose Dimitri is one lucky man." Eddie says winking at me. "shut up." I say laughing. "a what are two doing here?" I ask curious. "Dimitri sent us to help you ladies." masons said smiling cheekily. "alright then you can come in, but you can't disturb any of the. Things going on in here." they nodded and walked in. When they walked in they plopped down on my bed "so what can we do?" Eddie asked. I just shrugged. they looked at me confused. "I'm not in charge here." I say amused.

I turn around and see they just finished curling Sonya's hair. "if you curl and I braid we can get this done before schedule." I say strategically. "alright." Viktoria sighs. Sonya walks over and in front of me. then vika gets started curling Laura's hair. I began branding Sonya's hair like I did Viktoria's. after I place a bobby pin in it I put in a red rose clip. after that she went over to karolina to get her makeup done. I on the bed waiting for Laura to get done. "so boys. why did Dimitri send you here?" I ask turning around to face them. their faces instantly turned to scared. "what happened?" I asked annoyed. "nothing bad happened, just we that we're here to watch you guys to make sure you don't leave the room before the wedding." Eddie sad calmly. "why can't we leave?" I ask trying to figure it out from their faces. "just trust us." mason and Eddie said at the same time. ".....and your fiancé" Eddie said smiling. I just nodded. Then Laura came over and turned towards her. and started her hair. "you two do realize that once we're done with out hair and makeup that your going to have to leave so we can get dressed. plus you two have to get dressed too." I said still working on Laura's hair. "aw, Rosie your not gonna kick us out are you?" Eddie asked faking hurt. "oh you know Eddie boy I wouldn't do that without a purpose. And I want you two to be ready when we walk down that aisle." I say putting the bobby pin in Laura's hair. then added a whit rose clip. "alright Laura my maid of honor you are done." I say smiling. short my after liars got up karolina came over and I did her hair.

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