Chapter eighteen: unexpected phone call

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Eddie POV

My phone rang as we were landing. Mason and I had flown out to look for rose. it was an unknown number. I answered anyway. "hello?" I asked into the phone. "hey it's me. I'm fine don't worry, I've taken control of the situation." riper said into the phone. "THANK GOD!" I yelled into the phone. "whoa there I still need to hear." she joked. "oh god, rose did you kill anyone?!" I asked frantic. "nope." she said proudly popping the p.

"Good." "ill need you to take Tasha though. take to prison." she said into the phone. "okay. where are you?" I asked. "some ranky storage place. just tell Dimitri to trace the phone to the location." she stated. "okay see you soon Rosie." "I'll see you soon Eddie boy." I could hear her smile through the phone. then she hung up and I bolted toward the house. "DIMITRI SHE CALLED! SHES FINE!" I yelled as u reached the house. "REALLY?!" He called out. "yeah. she said you could track the number to the phones location?" I said looking at him. he nodded.

Within an hour we were heading towards the place. we got there no problems. "damn, she was right this place is ranky." I said smiling. Dimitri nodded his head. we go in and see rise with dried blood covering her body and her foot on Tasha's head. holding her to the ground. "Tasha meet my best friend Eddie Castile, or other wise known as officer Castile from the Shadow Assistance." she said smirking, and Tasha's mouth dropped open.

The Shadow Assistance is a group that rose and I worked at together for a long time. it takes the wort criminals. rose and I both know Tasha has a record. Rose moved and I put some hand cuffs on her and pulled her up. "Tasha Ozera, you are charged with murder, assaination of a powerful member of the shadow assassination, to torture of a shadow assistance ex-officer, stalking, sexual harassment, and other things. you will have no trial. you will spend your days in solitary. you will have no contact with the outside world. we will notify your next of Kim kin your situation. his name is Christian Ozera. You-" "EEEEWWWW" they all exclaim. Eddie smirks and continues on. "you'll be sentenced to life in solitary confinement." I then finished. I took her by the arm out to the car.

Rose POV

I hugged Dimitri after Eddie took her to the car. "god I missed you." I said into his neck. "I missed you to Roza." He said into my hair. someone clears their throat from behind us. I turned to see adrian standing there. "rose." he sounded so sad and hopeless. "adrian you'll find some one I know it." there was a silence. "hey adrian, do you know who the past ruler of the shadow assistance was?" I asked looking at him. he shook his head. "no I don't." "Her name was Tatiana Ivashkov." I said smiling. he looked confused for a second then it clicked. "was she related to me?!" he exclaims exclaims excitement in his voice. "yes, she was your great aunt. she used to go on and in about you. you were her absolute favorite." "does this mean I'll be ruler of the shadow assistance?!" "no, but if you tell the current ruler I'm sure she'll give you a very special place in the court." he runs over and hugs me thanking me over and over again. He took Tasha's car and drove off. I smiled thinking I had done something right. warm arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hard chest. "that was an amazing thing you did for him." he whispered into my ear. I smiled and cuddled into him. "let go home and finish our honey moon...shall we?" I asked turning around to greet him. he nodded and kissed me. this kiss was full if love and passion. we loved each other so much.

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