Chapter 3

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Normal P.O.V

Sometimes, Len felt grateful having a friend like Miku- but sometimes he just wanted to flush her face with hot water or throw her into the sea as a food for the sharks. Miku could be helpful for him in some particular time, but locking himself and Kagami Rin was something that Len couldn't forgive, even if Miku was ready to strike his face with her leeks.

Len had been pounding on the door since Rin found out that Miku locked both of them inside that music room. He exhaled a deep sigh before glancing at the blonde girl who was sitting not far from himself. They hadn't talk for a while now, it wasn't like Len didn't want to start a conversation- but Len didn't have the nerve to open his mouth and let out a simple 'Hi', especially after what happened between the two of them. If Len had to be honest, he was feeling really guilty- maybe that was one of the reason why he couldn't start a conversation, heck, he even didn't want to see her right on the eyes.

"Kagamine-san, please s-stop.. The people outside w-will hear your screaming." Finally, the girl spoke up. She flipped the pages of her notebook nervously, trying not to make an eyes contact with him, Len heard a hint of scared tone slipped in her timid voice.

Len eventually able to gaze at her figure, she looked up from her book as she stood up from her seat. Len frowned immediately before giving her a cold look, "Well, do you have an idea? Do you know other way so we can get out from this room? Because I'm pretty sure you don't. If people hear my screaming, then the luck is still on our side."

The girl pursed her lips but her face had this look which described that she was offended by Len's words. Rin slowly made her way to the him, somehow- Len suddenly had the urge to step back, her eyes were glistening with a dim light of anger.

"You know, it's really rude to say that in front of someone you just knew! I'm trying to find another way too so we can get out from here! However, I dislike that attitude of yours! Can you just at least appreciate someone before talking arrogantly like that?!" Rin pointed at him as her voice echoed in the silent room, Len had this feeling that maybe someone might hear her voice and they could get out from there.

Once again, he felt astonished with her sudden change. He was starting to feel suspicious that she had two different personality.

Len snorted and crossed his arms without staring the girl on her eyes- he chose to stare at the dusty, thick curtains as a distraction from her gaze, "I don't care if you dislike my attitude. I said that because there is no other way besides this door which is locked now! It's useless for you to try when you know there isn't other way."

He turned the door knob a few times, as if emphasizing all of the words he just said were true. Len heard the blonde girl hissed in anger before walking back to the piano. He unconsciously exhaled the breath he had been holding this whole time. Slowly, he let his body rested against the room's cold wooden floor, he felt her gaze fixed on himself.

"You should learn how to appreciate other people personality." He murmured lazily, putting his right arm over his eyes.

He heard Rin cleared her throat before answering his question. Len knew that girl was thinking about a mean answer she could use to make him remain silent. He formed a tiny smirk with his lips, getting ready to hear what her answer was.

"I appreciate you." She retorted quietly, and then pausing for a few seconds, "There's a cockroach near your ear."

Len quickly sat up from his laying position and stood on his feet before stepping away carefully from that spot. His breath was uneven and heavy, he got goosebumps immediately. Len wasn't scare, he was just surprised- even he frowned at his own thought. However, after a few seconds of silence, Len noticed there wasn't cockroach. He gritted his teeth when her timid laugh resounded in his ears.

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