Chapter 4

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Normal P.O.V


Rin was hoping a better answer than that. Where was the logic? How the shell a fat cat could break an old lock in a brutal way like that? Maybe she was overreacting about it, but, she really really wanted to punch Kagamine Len's face.

Her jaw was wide open, she felt something worse than that could happen later in that day. But before that, she wanted to hear the explanation from the school's smartest student. Rin felt her mouth was dry and bitter, she put her right hand against her sweaty forehead. It was like someone was hitting her head with a big stone-- she was feeling so dizzy and tired.

She leaned forward once again, trying to breath calmly before she started to explode like in the cafeteria earlier. The blonde girl smiled half heartedly at him as her hand gripped the edge of her table firmly, she felt her nails dug into the wood surface.

"Why.. did you use a reason like..that?"

Kagamine Len shrugged nonchalantly in front of her, as if it wasn't a big deal. Oh, how Rin wanted to slap that face with a banana.

"I don't have other good reason to say."

Rin exhaled loudly and decided to purse her lips. She didn't want to tell Kagamine Len how she wanted to bang his head against the wall so he could realize his reason earlier was beyond dumb. Rin glanced at the clock, next period would begin soon.

Please, maybe this is impossible-- But I hope that dumb reason will save us, Kamisama.


Rin had never meet a teacher like her.

It was the next period, which was Music. The classroom was so noisy and full of chatters until someone slide open the door. Entering the classroom was an elegant young woman. Rin was astonished with her hair color. Its color was unique, the mix between white and silver-- It made Rin confused should she called it with white or silver. Her grey eyes were sharp and fierce, staring at the whole class who got silent immediately after her arrival.

She turned to the board and wrote her name in Kanji. Her face was still the same, without a smile or a grin. Just an emotionless face.

"It's nice to meet you all. I am Amagawa Kotone. I'll be your music teacher for this year, yoroshiku."

Her voice was monotone, yet it had some elegance in it at the same time. Rin had heard some of her classmates talked about that music teacher. She didn't get many information though, people in the school had said that Kotone was a mysterious teacher. She never tell anybody about herself except the things that had connection with her work. Rin heard from Miku-- who evidently felt curious about Kotone too-- that her new music teacher studied abroad. The teachers said she studied in Indonesia. But they never hear her talk in Indonesian.

All the students stood up from their sit to do the usual bow and replied in unison, "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

Rin sat down on her seat and stared at the teacher who was busy flipping through pages in her book. She wanted to know about her, but it looked like for Rin it was impossible to do it. Just seeing Kotone's face made her felt nervous already. Rin knew when she talks to that music teacher, all the thing that comes out from her mouth would be some inaudible words and stammering.

"Alright. Before we start our lesson today, all of you know that our school always held a Music Festival every year. For this year, the theme is 'Choir and Pair'. I guess I don't have to explain the theme, all of you already understand it clearly." Kotone started as she threw her gaze around, watching the students expressions before clearing her throat and looked down at her book.

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