Knowing The Truth(Chapter 06)

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The next day, I visit Mr. Kim's House to know about the truth why Jin is so quiet.

#ding dong

'Anybody home?' I shouted from outside.

'YESSS! Please wait kay..' someone shouted from inside.

Mrs. Kim walk out from the house and open the gate for me.

'Hi there dear, you're looking for Jin?' she asked.

'Nope.. I' m here to ask aunty something' I said.

'Oh come inside' she said and I follow her inside.

I sit on the sofa and Mrs.Kim fetch me a glass of water.

'Thank you aunty.' I thanked.

'What can I help you dear?' she asked.

'Aunty, do you know why Jin is so quiet?' I asked.

'Oh..something happened to him hurts him so much that makes him talk less.' she explained.

'May I know what happened?' I asked.

'Urm.. Actually..he's a talkative person.. During his school time, he liked a girl called Joanne. Joanne was a famous girl at there school that time. Many boys liked her. Jin is one of them. Once day he finally confessed to the girl and surprisingly Joanne accepted him. But after few months being together, Jin found out that Joanne was only having fun with Jin's feeling toward her. She even kissed another boy infront of Jin and even said 'Do you really think I like you? Hahaha what a joke boy! Why so serious about it?' Joanne said to Jin. This poor kid's first  love just ended like that. Ever since that incident happened, he talk less to girls like your age because he's afraid that he'll be hurt again.' Mrs. Kim explained.

'Hmm.. No wonder he always act like that infront of me.' I said.

'That's not the only thing Joanne...

' MOM! How can you tell her that?! 'Jin heard about what's Mrs. Kim telling me.

He ran upstairs with an angry face.

'Ops.. He overheard it..'Mrs.Kim said.

'.... Can I talk to him? 'I asked.

' Sure hun, his bedroom is the one with blue door' Mrs. Kim said.

I walk upstairs and knock on Jin's bedroom door.

#knock knock

'Can I come in?' I asked.

'....' no reply.

'I'll come in now..' I said and open the door slowly.

He's sitting on his bed looking outside from the room window.

'Are you okay? It's not Mrs. Kim fault.. Its me that asked her about you..' I said.

I sit beside him looking to the window too.
He turn around suddenly and our face is only inches away.

'Why do you want to know about me? You liked me?' he asked and leaned forward.

'N-No.. I-I just care about you since you're my first friend in this village.' I said and back off.

'Hmm..' he said and turn back to look outside of the window again.

'I'm sorry Jin.. I shouldn't asked about it before..' I apologised.

'It's ok.. I should say sorry about what happened just now.. I didn't mean to lean on you just now' he said.

'I-Its ok.. Urm.. I-I should get going.. Cya' I said and walk out from the room.


'Mrs. Kim I'll leave first.. I'll pay you and Mr. Kim a visit next time 🙂' I said and left.



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