Part 40

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Hello everyone,

Hopefully you haven't forgotten me! And I really really hope that you've missed me and my story!

I'm finally back! Thanks for all your wishes for my sister's wedding! It went great.
Thanks for all your support.

I wrote this chapter till 3 last night and I hope to get great response for this. If I do, you may get the next chapter pretty soon as a reward 😋

And guys as much as I love reading comments like "amazing" and "good chapter", please try and include what you like and what you don't in your comments! 😁

Happy reading!

The rest the day went pretty slow for the couple as neither of them bothered to speak to each other and engaged themselves in some activity. Although Nandini, was trying to initiate tiny conversations here and there during lunch, Manik cut short these conversations with his 'Hmm's and 'Ok's.

Nandini who was completely oblivious to his sudden behavioural change, decided to ignore the 'pregnant woman' in Manik and continued concentrating on her studies. Whereas, Manik was trying to control his emotions. He was too overwhelmed by the trail of events that were taking place in his life. But he was giving his best to suck it all in and handle it with maturity. For a person like him, whose anger is somewhat unmanageable, he was doing good. Manik was now standing in his balcony staring at his favourite stars.

Manik's POV

Every time... every single time, when I start to think that all the complications between me and Nandini will be finally over and that we will be able to initiate a new start to everything, some or the other happens. I know nothing between me and Nandini is normal. Our relationship doesn't seem normal. It feels like I'm the only one who is interested to make this marriage work. And it's not the physical intimacy I'm talking about, it is... it's just everything. She doesn't feel comfortable when I'm around. I feel like she doesn't enjoy being with me.

I would be lying if I say that I didn't feel jealous when I saw her laughing with that Aryaman over the phone. And trust me when I say this, I genuinely have no issues with their friendship but I envy Aryaman. I mean he has the power to make her laugh over the phone and look at me, even though I am with her under the same roof, I cannot even spare a second without hurting her. It looks like I have the bloody copy write to her tears. (Chuckles sadly) I know that everything happened so fast and its too much to take in at once but she needs to let loose herself. It feels like she's obliged to stay as my wife since she has no choice and due to strict constrains of this marriage, she is compelling herself to fulfil all her duties like a robot.

Trust me it took me every ounce of my energy to control myself from kissing her in the morning. The attraction between us is undeniably fierce and none of us can ever oppose that. But I want to get a closure now. And for that to happen appropriately, we need to keep our hands off each other. Otherwise it will get more and more complicated and knotty.

POV end

His series of thoughts came to a halt, when he felt the presence of Nandini beside him. Neither did he look at her nor did he speak anything and continued to stare at the stars. He wanted peace and staring at those stars was the only way known to him in order to calm him down. After some moments, he felt a subtle weight of her hand on his left shoulder. He felt short of strength to push her hand away. There was pin drop silence between them.

Nan: Manik, the dinner is ready. (to which he gently nodded and she was about to go when he stopped her)

Man: Nandini (called out her name in a rather serious yet calm way)

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