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I crawl into bed that night prepared for ghastly nightmares. I burrow into my quilt and tried to relax, my eyes scanning the glow-in-the-dark stars that litter my ceiling for constellations that aren't there. Like in every storybook, my furniture forms odd creatures in the shadowed half-light that filters through my curtains. But I don't have the security of the knowledge that these creatures aren't real. With visions weighing heavily on my mind, anything seems possible. However, the shadows that swim across my face soon sweep me away to a dark and dreamless sleep.

I wake surrounded by coarse, choking darkness. I panic briefly, floundering about, before sunlight pierces the brambles and I realize that it's just my hair.

Great start.

I spit out a couple hairs and climb out of bed, tugging down my worn in night shirt. I stumble into the shower, running my fingers through my coarse, matted hair in a feeble attempt to seperate it. Fifteen minutes later, my hair is washed and more or less tied into a bun. Pulling on leggings and a baggy flannel shirt, I swipe on some mascara (getting most of it on my nose), and pad downstairs in my dirty socks. My Mom is already up, sipping green tea and typing away at her Macbook.

"Hey, Dear."

"Mfuhlmmgraw" I mumble.

"Nice to see you, too."

I grab an apple and pour myself a mug of coffee, loading in a tooth-rotting amount of sugar. I take a huge gulp, scalding my tongue, and I jump, sloshing hot coffee all over my foot.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Yup, I'm fine!" I take my breakfast and sit down at the table. "Hey Mom? Where's Dad?"


"It's a Saturday!'

"Yeah, but the engine blueprints just came in..."

"Oh, okay. Um, can you give me a ride to Carly's this evening?"

"Are you sure you can do it? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, Mom. I'm fine. I just wasn't getting enough sleep."

"How many times have I told you? You need to start going to sleep earlier! If you just managed your time better, you wouldn't have these proble-"

"Mom! I'm fine! Please!"

"Okay," she sighs, "So, do you have a lot of homework this weekend?"

"Mom!" I finish the final dregs of coffee and shove the mug into the dishwasher. Taking a giant bite out of my apple, I run upstairs and grab my laptop from my desk. My bed creaks as I flop onto it, opening Spotify, Google Drive, and my online history textbook. I set my favorite songs to shuffle, grab my copy of Breakfast of Champions, and begin procrastinating like a master.


I turn over on my stomach, laying ontop of my book, and begin to frantically type. "Come in!"

My mom opens the door with the landline in her hand. "It's for you."

"Um, okay..." Anyone worth talking to would call my cell., but I reach out and take the phone anyway.


"Hey, Kid!"


"Gwen! Sorry I can't be home, I just had a big breakthrough with this mileage problem..."

"It's fine! Just as long as I get one of those fancy hybrids for my sixteenth birthday."

"You're getting a scale model of one, yes."

"Dad! You ruined the suprise."

"Speaking of driving, I can take you out for some practice when I get home."

"Actually, I'm going to Carly's tonight."

"Oh nice, why?"

"Hanging out, mostly."

"Be sure to get the World History homework out of the way before you go. And stay out of trouble!"


"But if you're teepeeing people's houses, I might be able to help. You didn't hear it from me."

"Okay, Dad. I love you. Bye!"

"Love you too!"

I pad downstairs and hang up the phone. When I return to my room, I turn on my music as loud as my headphones will let me and throw myself into my history notes, trying as hard as I can to make Agrarian Society seem like the most interesting thing in the world.

It doesn't work.

Around noon, I can't take it anymore. I open Messages.

Me: Hey i can't take this any more can i come over now?

Carly: srry, i need 2 fix my haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrr

Me: Um...

Carly: im carly and im sooooooo perfect lol

Me: faust?

Carly: u meen my supr hot boyyyyyyfriend?

Me: faust, give the phone to carly.

Carly: youre no fun

Carly: Sorry, Faust had my phone.

Me: so i see. hey, i didn't know faust was over, sorry.

Carly: Oh! It's fine. He was just leaving. You can come over if you want.

Me: i don't know, it's kinda weird...

Carly: ur rite, i h8 u forever now lol

Me: Faust.

Carly: besties 5evr cept naw

Me: Faust!

Carly: ok... but now i have your number haha

Me: go away

Carly: Yeah, just come on over. Faust won't mind. Really.

Me: if you insist...

My phone dings as a message from a random number pops up

Unknown Number: if you come over i will rip out your larynx and feed it to my parakeet

I scroll back to Carly's conversation.

Me: headed over now!

Carly: Wait, I can drive you! I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

A minute later, the unknown number pops up again.

Unknown Number: i really mean it

Me: see you in fifteen, Faust.

A/N GAH! Faust. I really like him. Is that weird to say, as the author? He makes me laugh. Probably because I'd do immature stuff like that... anywho, filler chapters aren't the most action packed, I'll admit, but they're a good way to get to know Gwen. Don't worry, though. It gets REAL next chapter. Now that you've had a better chance to meet the chracters, who is your fave so far? Also, if you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote! Or not. Y'know, no pressure. Heh heh... BYEEE!

The Degeneration of Gwen WeaverWhere stories live. Discover now