Finn° break up

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you and finn broke up.

you were in pain. and chosen your brother was pissed.

he was coming for finn's shit.

but instead you trusted him not to hurt finn, because if he hurt him he hurts you.

you felt like you were a part of finn.


today, chosen was going over to finn's house to talk about the break up. he hated seeing you like this.


knocking on his door. finn opened it and his facial expression changed from bored, to surprised.

"oh- hey chosen."

chosen smiled at him and finn let him inside.

he sat down on his chair and chosen sat beside him.

"so... you broke up with her?"

chosen got rid of the awkward silence.

"well.. yea"

"what happened."

chosen didn't look in finn's eyes at all.

"she's just too much for me."

"what makes you say that? what did she do wrong?"

"well.. for one. she only cared about her appearance. always had to look good. always took forever to get dressed. so insecure."

chosen crossed his arms.

"so you broke her heart cause she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? she wanted you to see that you had the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think other wise. i see..."

chosen looked around the quiet house.

"oh.. well.. she'd often call me or text me asking where i am, who i'm with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. she's so clingy!"

"so you broke her heart because she cares about your well being. because she cares about you a lot? and her greatest fear is losing you? i see.."

chosen's tone got harsher by the second.

he wanted to snap finn's head off right now.

"but.. uh.. well, she'll always cry when i say something slightly mean. she can't handle anything. she's a crybaby."

chosen closed his eyes and breathed out.

"do you broke her heart because she has feelings? and because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? i see.."

"i- well you know she gets jealous easily i could barely talk to other girls, she's so annoying, i had to hide it from her so she wouldn't bitch about it."

"so you broke her heart because she wanted you to commit to her? she thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more. she just wanted to guy she loves the most to love only her-"

chosen couldn't say anymore. he stood up and walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.

he was glad that he didn't hurt finn, but he did know what he hurt. finn's thoughts and his heart. finn knew he fucked up.

when chosen walked out finn bursted out crying.

chosen went home to comfort you and you two later went out to get junk and hang out.


sad ik

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