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While Akashi was doing her repairs on I-401, Gunzou and Iona are simply facing each other in the living room of Akashi's base.

"I was told that you want a co-existence between the humans and the Fogs," Iona said.

"That is right," Gunzou replied. "Such coexistence is a possibility if you and your fleet would cooperate."

"Such coexistence would not happen, human. The Fogs and humans differ and one of us must only reign in this world. The humans are selfish, self-centered and hypocrites. They want all things for themselves and such behaviour is not of our nature."

"Selfishness, self-centeredness and hypocricy are the natural and negative aspects of humans. But they are also sympathetic and forgiving," Gunzou replied.

"Sympathy is not needed by Fogs," the white-haired girl countered. "Such emotion is only for humans who are pitiful."

Gunzou was about to say something but Akashi interrupted their conversation.

"My repairs are done!" she exclaimed happily while giving Iona a big hug.

"That was fast," Iona replied as she stands up. "We will be leaving now."

"Already?" Akashi pouted. "You just arrived."

"I am on my way to father and I still need to go on a detour. I will come and visit next time," Iona explained as she leaves the room and goes in her vessel.

Gunzou followed after her and was a bit excited , thinking that he might see the man that Iona refers to as "father".

After several hours of travel in silence, a beeping sound broke the ice. Iona looked at her radar and saw two Fog ships just above them.

"Perfect," she said which caught Gunzou's attention.

"What is it?" he asked as Iona stood up and takes her exit from the bridge deck.

"Follow me," she simply replied. I-401 starts to surface and her submarine form turned into a Fog ship.

The two were standing at the open area of the ship and Gunzou saw a familiar Fog ship.


Takao felt happy upon setting her eyes on her captain who is looking fine. Repulse got ready for a fight.

"I am not here to fight the two of you," Iona said and it shocked them. "I came here to return this human."

Gunzou was taken aback by the sudden change of mind of the white-haired girl.

"What are you up to, Iona?" Takao asked in suspicion. "What are you planning?"

"I was about to take him to be my hostage until I have defeated you but I changed my mind. He has another intention and I have no plan in fulfulling that."

Iona turns her back and stood behind Gunzou.
"I give you back this indecent human."

With that, a splash and a scream was heard.

"Gunzou!!!!" Takao yelled as she watched her captain fall onto the cold water.

"Till we see each other again," Iona said as she goes to sail on the west, leaving Gunzou at that middle of the ocean.

Takao helped her captain leave the cold water.

"Are you okay?" she asked eith her eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine," replied the shivering guy as he wraps his arms around himself. "We should head back to Iwo Jima."


Repulse, containing the crew of the U-2501, and Takao with her captain, they all sailed to Iwo Jima. After several hours of peace, Iwo Jima is finally at sight. Hyuuga, Kirishima, and the others are all awaiting for their arrival. Seeing Gunzou, they all felt relieved and happy since Takao is now under control.

"What happened?" Kongou asked. "How were you able to get your captain back?"

With gritted teeth and clenched fist, Takao answered, "She voluntarily gave him back but she is so rude to push Gunzou into the cold water!"

"Voluntarily?" Haruna asked. He held her chin and thought for a while. "What could have changed her mind?"

Gunzou came out from the bathroom, now completely changed with dry clothes. "She seems to be meeting with the creator and she knew I wanted to see him, too."

"She truly is careful," Kongou commented. "We have to make a plan as soon as possible. If Iona makes all the Fogs join her fleet, then it will be over for us."

"Kongou," Gunzou called out. "Can you lead us where you have been meeting with the creator? We could go there before I-401 could and we might be able to launch a surprise attack just for her."

"I apologize but the location of the creator is unknown to all Fogs with the exception of Iona, of course," the blonde replied.

"I thought you have met him before?" Kirishima asked but Kongou shook her head.

"I wasn't allowed to meet him in person. I received orders from him using mind communication."

"If that is the case, we should just let Iona be for now," Gunzou said.

"But if we let her move freely, she will surely fulfill her missions," Takao complained.

"You are all in bad condition. You must be repaired first. Have some of your equipments modified. We should prepare for now before we could face her," Gunzou explained. "We should be on defense for now."

Takao realized the point of her captain so she stood quiet despite the feeling she wanted to defeat Iona.

"Leave the repairs to me," Hyuuga said happily to lift up the mood. "You guys should rest for now."

On the other hand, Iona took three days to reach where her father is.

Upon reaching the deck, she was greeted by a man with silver hair and glasses, wearing a white cloak with a cigarette on his hand. When he saw the lady, he dropped his cigarette and stepped on it.

"Ah! My lovely daughter has arrived!" he said with a smile. He gave her a hug before leading her into his laboratory.

"How was your first trip to the outside world, my dear?" he asked as he sits down on his swivel chair.

"It was fantastic, father," Iona replied. "The world was amazing. The oceans were vast, the lands were beautiful sights, the creatures were spectacular, but the humans, they are way too complicated for me to understand."

"You have seen the world and that is a good thing, my dear. And as for the humans, you will understand them soon because you are one of them too," the man said as he patted the girl's head.

"I am?" Iona asked in confusion.

"Yes, you are," her father replied as he stares at his beautiful daughter with soft eyes and a small smile on his lips.

"Then, what about the Fogs?" she asked.

"You are a Fog, Iona. You should fulfill your mission first before I would let you live a normal life with the humans."

"We should live both," said the girl.

"Yes, we should," her father said in a soft whisper.


I'm sorry , it took me a long time to update.😢😢

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