Chapter 6

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Zordan, Romuald and Francette are currently in Australia waiting for Repulse to get them. Repulse is a battle-cruiser whose mental model is a girl dressed as a maid. She also belongs to the Scarlet Fleet from Europe.

"Captain, are we heading to Europe when Repulse comes?" Romuald asks.

"No, we're going to Japan first," Zordan replied. "I am sure they know who is I-401's captain."

"Captain," Francette called out. "Repulse has arrived."

The three went to the port and sees Repulse on board on her ship.

"I have come to fetch you," she says as she lets them inside.

"Could we make a detour before going back?" Zordan requested.

"Okay," Repulse replies. "Where do you want to go first?"

"Japan," Zordan replies. "You could contact the other mental models in Japan, right? Could you tell them we're heading there?"

"Okay," replies Repulse. "I shall contact Hyuuga, then."

On their way to Japan, Repulse has entered at the Joint Tactical Network waiting for Hyuuga.

"Repulse!!" Hyuuga exclaimed happily upon seeing the girl in a maid dress. "It's been a long time since we last met!! You missed me, didn't you? You must have missed Gunzou, right?"

"Stop spouting nonsense, Hyuuga," Repulse replied while trying to avoid eye contact since Hyuuga had hit the bullseye. She does miss Gunzou since it has been two years that she didn't see him. "I called you here to inform you that we're on our way to your place."

"Is that so?" Hyuuga says. "For what reason, though? It's rare for you to visit here. Don't tell me you're paying Gunzou a visit?"

"Hyuuga, shut up!!" Repulse exclaimed. "Zordan says he has a business to do there. Where are you right now?"

"We're at Iwo Jima," Hyuuga replies. "I will be awating for your arrival."

Hyuuga left at the Joint Tactical Network and informed Haruna and Kirishima about Repulse's sudden visit.

While at the East Philippine Sea, Repulse has detected Takao's presence. She could see her coming towards them.

"Repulse, where are you headed to?" Takao asks.

"To Japan," Zordan replies instead of Repulse. "Takao, is Gunzou with you? I just need to ask something."

Takao looks away before answering. "He is not here with me at the moment."

"What?" Zordan asks in surprise. "That's unusual. Where did he go to let you wander off alone?"

"I'm looking for him. Iona has taken him away," Takao replies.

"Iona, you say," Zordan says.

"Did you encounter her somewhere?" the blue-haired girl asks.

"You said that Gunzou is with Iona, right? I don't want to say this but Gunzou must've helped Iona in sinking U-2501. We just fought with I-401 and we escaped from her but she has sunk our ship two days ago," Zordan explains. "There's a possibility that Gunzou has aided her."

"Don't be ridiculous!!" Takao protested. "Gunzou wouldn't do such thing!! He is not a traitor!!"

"I also believe in him," Francette butted in. "But while we were fighting Iona, I saw him at the radar that he's with her at the bridge deck. If Iona has taken him as a hostage, then why is he at the bridge deck?"

"No, you must've mistaken it," Takao says. "Gunzou wouldn't do such a thing."

"You know Gunzou. He must've joined Iona's side for a reason," Zordan says. "You know how much of a gambler he is. He takes any risks to achieve his goal. For now, let's head to Iwo Jima for further discussion."

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