Check up, then more coffee (with an unexpected touch)

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The lab they walked in..

It was enormous.

With big machines, lots of bottles on every single corner of every desks in the room. There . 5 glass cabinets full of chemical are located in the corner of the room, and man they all contained from the least to the most dangerous chemical, that one can blow up half the Earth if handle it carelessly.

The organization sure is a deadly place and yet a place of scientific dream with all the lastest tech that could help you with researches.

"Alright Geno, take a seat while I get ready the device ready." The nerdy skeleton walked toward a table and grabbed what is supposed to be a scanner and a tablet. While Geno just took a seat and waited to end this.

Sci walked back to the chair and started writing down notes. "Just hold still, and this scanner won't kill you."

The patient gulped after hearing the doctor said that. "Don't tell me that's one of your machine you made." Geno spoke out nervously.

"Don't worry. This little scanner won't kill you...Just yet." Sci stated out hoping to calm the red scarf skeleton down.

"Yeah that helps a lot." Geno sarcastically said.

"You're welcome. Now close your eyes sockets." Sci said and pointed the device toward the other one and pulled the trigger, creating a bright flash then stop. The mchine began to copy down the result to his tablet. Schi reached out and looked while adjusting his vision.

"Interesting." Sci said with amaze. "You seem unchanged compare to last month, which is a good thing."

"What about the red substance that was injected to my soul long ago. Have you discovered what it is?"

"Sorry Gen, but so far I haven't figured that out. It's a strange liquid. Must be someone's creation from this place. But there were many scientists worked here before me, so finding the owner of this is difficult, especially since we don't have any sample of it." Sci said, a tint of sadness was heard from his voice.

"Oh. Well guess we have to keep up. And by we I mean you cause this is your term." The tech expert said. Sci only responded with a Frisk face.

"You're done, so get out so I can check the rest of the organization." Sci said tiredly. "This is going to be a long day."

"You go ahead. I will go grab another cup of coffee downtown. You want anything?" Geno got up and walked to the door. Geno sure loves coffee.

"A helping hand would be helpful"

"That I can't help you with. Later."

"Don't leave me." But the door clicked, leaving the scientist alone.

The city was crowded like everyday, with people walking, car passing by. Man it was a sunny and busy day.

Oh one of the busy road, there was one person walking. He was wearing black jacket, black trousers, a black cape for some reason and oddly, black gloves. That was one of the bad organization's assassin, Reaper.

He was walking on the street avoiding everyone's touch, at least the innocenses. He doesn't want to hurt anyone nice ever since "that incident".

He walked toward a cafe and ordered a simple espresso while sitting in the corner table by the window. "If only I didn't make that mistake 11 years ago." is what Reaper keeps repeating in his head after he got it. He took off his gloves and grabbed his cup of coffee, letting the hot drink warm his death touch and watched the people around him.

Reaper POV:

That day. Why can't I forget it. It has been haunting me since ages. What can I do stop this...

While looking around, I noticed a certain some walking to his direction. He was wearing a red scarf  with white shirt, a white jacket and basketball shorts. What interest him was the slash and the glitch on his right eye.

He accidently dropped his coffee cup in front of me. Being a "gentleman", helped him but also tried not to touch him. We cleaned up for a bit when it happened...
He touched my hand.

I was freak out and held my head trying to cover me. I expected that he will dust after that..

"Uhhh you okay there?" I looked up to see he was still there, with a worried look.

How? How is he not dead?

How is he still here
Why is he so cute....?


Sorry for the very late update. Writer's block and I don't have time.

Poor Sci. Get left to do work alone. (me occasionally)

And a little Afterdeath at the end.

Hipe you enjoy and Merry (late) Christmas.

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