Wait what!?

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Geno POV:

We walk in and  I show him around. He doesn't seem to enjoy it, maybe because he saw this before. He did say he was sent here by him so I assume he worked in places like this. Who actually is he?

We make a few puns also during our little tour. I see that he enjoys pun like I do, which is surprised and nice to have another pun liker. But at the same time he looks somewhere with a annoying look and sighs. What was that all about? Does he like puns or not? He is quite weird and unusual.

And I keep noticing I got some shocked and surprised looks from people around the building wherever we walk past them. Should I be concerned? Is the dude beside me a dangerous criminal? Or is he famous? Why does everyone look like they're afraid of him? He is more and more creepy.

Lord help me with this crap. PLEASE!!!

"Where is the head of this place? I need to see him. Important stuff." He asks coldly.

Right, I forgot. I have to bring him to the boss. He must be waiting for this new guy.

"OH right. He's at the top floor. I'll lead the way. Follow me." I tell him. He nods and we walks our way to the elevator.

When we get inside, the screen above the button system speaks up:

"Please provide your identification."

"Oh, that's interesting." Cross says. To be honest, I'm not really get used to this. High tech are in most place in this building. Some are good, but some are annoying.

I sigh and take out a card. When I place it at the screen, it appears my face and says:

"Identification approves. Welcome, Mr Genocide."

"Genocide? That's an odd name." Cross sees the screen and asks. 

Yeah, I don't really know how or why my name is like that. I had an old name, but after I worked here, they changed my name to Genocide, or Geno for short. They said that my birth certificate and other identification document was all destroyed in the fire. Now I have to stick with this name. I don't mind. I survived and have a second chance to live, I just gotta use whatever I have.

"So? I don't know my real name after the fire incident happened a few years ago. All of my family document are destroyed. So after they saved me, they named me Genocide. It's like a reminder of the event that took away a lot of lives back then." I says coldly, as I don't want to speak too much about the past.

We gets in the elevator and seriously, I keep seeing he is talking to nothing. Does he have a mental problem that needs to get help with? What the hell?!

The way up was...pretty awkward and quiet. Luckily it was short cause my god I don't know how long does the this silence end. When we get out, more stares are facing us. 

"The head of the building is up front, to the left." I tried to keep calm and told him his room. The creepy winter-clothing skeleton only nods and leaves.

I turn and walk back to my workroom, only to see Sci was still there. 

"Have you got my coffee like I asked you to, or you just forgot like most of the time, Gen?" He is looking at his clipboard with a stern look, not leaving his sight out of the clipboard.

"You're the one who talked. I experienced a lot of weird stuff today, okay? I went to a cafe and ordered a drink but when I walked to an empty table, I fell and spilled coffee on a guy. He cleaned up with me but I slightly brushed my hand against his and all of the sudden, he acted like the end is near. Then a moment later he looked at me shockingly and just stared at me."

"Sound like you experienced the real world. Welcome." That's the only thing he said. I swear to god.!

"Later another guy was in front of a building. He wore clothes that you expected to see in Antarctic. He asked to see the boss, but when we got in, a lot of people looked at us. I thought I was with a murderer or something."

"Okay, interesting." Sci still looks at his clipboard on his hand and only says that. Is he becoming like..emotionless Ink or that's just men thing.

"Wow..Good talk." Just as I say that, an announcement was called

"Attention all members in the top floor, please gather to the conference room. No question asked"

"Great, what now?" I think as I walk to the room along with that damn scientist. But in the room, there was already him and that black-and-white dressing guy. Wh-

We all get in and wait for the news. After a moment, he speaks up.

"Thank you for coming so fast. I have some important changes. Firstly, please welcome our internatonal agent, Mr Cross."

Wait what!? That weirdo is an international agent. The world is lying to me. You're saying that this self-talking, emotion-mixing, big-clothes wearing skeleton is an agent for the international organization.? Kill me.

"There's more. The museum in Paris is having some problems with the shipment so our plan will be done faster. Those whom I sent to France in the last meeting, we are doing it in 2 days. Also there is a new mission. Please I need some of you to meet me in my office soon.Any question?"

We are all silent and confused from the sudden changes, but we all know he's not a questioning type so we don't say anything else.

"No? So we are all clear.? Good. Dismiss"


So that's the new page. So sorry for the slow update.

Enjoy I guess.


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