Date Night

309 21 196

Author's note~ sorry if you got notified like 3 times my wattpad is being glitchy.

It had been a little over a week when our schedules lined up for a mutual day off. Well, then again that was because my boss felt guilty for making me work so much after that jackass got fired. She was a sweet lady, and she has no need to feel guilty in my book. However, when she insisted that I take two days off from work and I couldn't turn that offer down. I just asked if I could pick one of the days to match my husbands days and she agreed. Even with these two days off, I felt like I still couldn't trust it, that something would come through and take this away from us.

That was until it was the day off and we had both made it through without being called in. I let out a sigh of relief as we both got ready for date night. As much as we wanted to take Hanji up on her offer it turns out she was working today. Oh well, maybe next time.

Levi refused to tell me where we were going he just told me to dress nice and get in the car. I didn't bother questioning him. I've learned he's an unbreakable force when he wants to keep something a secret. When we pulled up at the restaurant my jaw dropped.

"Levi no, it's too expensive. Let's go somewhere else."

"Don't worry babe. With as much as I've been working, I can definitely afford it. Besides, this is the first date night we've had in like over a month, let me spoil you a little."

That was the thing most people never expect when meeting Levi, they always expect me to be the romantic one, but Levi is the one doing little cute things, or sometimes big things just to show me he loves me. I feel bad at times that he goes to such lengths when I'm really not that special but, at the same time I can't help but fall more and more in love with him. I don't deserve him that's for sure.

We were sat at a table and I couldn't help but look around at this place. I had never been here before, but when this place opened up it was all people were talking about, especially the prices.

The room was dimly lit with candles on every table. The table clothes were all an elegant white. The chairs, god they were comfortable. The doorways arched. Even the bar that was more hidden towards the front and away from the dining area was beautifully decorated. It didn't even look close to where I worked. The bottles seemed to never be empty and the bartenders were graceful in all there movements. Their clothes didn't look like normal bartenders, and by that, I mean filled with dirt, sticky substances, or alcoholic fumes.

It seemed the bartenders weren't the only ones who looked graceful in their movements. The waiters all looked like they had sticks up their asses and there posture made them seem more like robots than humans. The way they walked to each table looked more like a glide rather than actually walking.

Our waiter came around with a wine list along with two menus. Levi already had his selection. He told the waiter and within a minute the waiter had returned with two wine glasses and the bottle put in an ice block? Wow usually they had put it in a bucket filled with ice, but no this place had a block of ice with a hole in the middle that is decorated with flowers frozen into it. It was hard to even tell that it was ice at first since the flowers were so vibrant it almost looked like a cylinder bouquet.

"This place is amazing," I mumbled.

I just looked to Levi who shrugged it off and gave me a smile. "An amazing place for an amazing man," he said and I stopped dead in my tracks as I fought the smile that spread over my lips.

"That was cheesy," I whispered shaking my head.

"I could get cheesier, but I'll save you the embarrassment," he smiled to himself before setting down his menu finding what he wanted.

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