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"here you go."

my eyes trailed up to her hands, a smiling dahyun was standing right in front of my desk. i mirrored her expression, shooting back another wide grin. i don't know why, but i'll feel really nice to have someone greeting me every morning with a smile. and dahyun give me those feelings every morning. i'm glad to be her deskmate, to tell the truth.

she put down the blazer on my desk, the blazer that i gave her yesterday. she folded it nicely, before making her steps to her seat. i took it and checked it out a bit, noticing that the blazer seems new and no crinkles at all. i took a glimpse of dahyun who was drinking her water before i furrowed my eyebrows together.

"you don't need to wash it, you know," i stated, turning my body and hanged it on the chair. leaning forward towards her, my attention now fully on her actions. she swallowed the water down, hands covering her mouth. it took her a few seconds to reply to my sentence back.

"well, it kinda smells terrible, so i decided to wash it." glancing her, i nodded my head at her words. i took the blazer back, turning it around a few times. it felt softer and way more neat than before. i almost forgot the last time i wash this, maybe a couple of months ago. ugh, no wonder it smells terrible. speaking of smell, i suddenly sniffed down the piece of cloth. out of curiosity.

"it smells just like you," i never knew how the words slipped out from my mouth, but i soon realized the weird stare that dahyun gave me. she looked at me with her enlarged eyes, blinking it a few times right in front of me. a corner of my mouth went up as she demanded my explanation. "e-excuse me?" she put the bottle down, shifting her seat.

"huh? o-oh, nothing."


i put down my pen, a tired yet relieved sigh escaped from my mouth. after three hours of sitting in this gloomy and boring library, our project was done at last. thank god we don't need to do it again tomorrow. dahyun was right, this project was much tougher than i thought. speaking of dahyun, i wonder what she was doing anyway?

i found the answer to my question when i completely turned my head to my side. of course, she was sleeping. i chuckled at the sight, plugging out the earbuds from my ears. she was the one that insisted me to finish the project today, begging me with her aegyo that she knew i couldn't resist it. not to mention that the way she sleeps makes it way funnier than usual.

she was snoring loudly while listening to some sort of heavy metal or something? i don't know, but the thing that i'm really wondering is how the fuck she sleeps that peaceful while listening to that sort of music? the mystery remains, i guess. chuckling once again, i pressed the stop button on her ipod. she flinched, but then she let out another manly snore. manly? yeah, kinda manly.

i poked her cheek. her fluffy, pale cheek. as usual, she didn't react at all. well, after all, she was known to have sleeping habits like a dog. i once again reached out my finger to poke her cheek, this time calling out her name. she mumbled something, and then continue to sleep again. i sighed, now glancing at the watch on my hand. 6 o'clock, and the library was getting empty.

i was about to touch her shoulder this time when dahyun suddenly woke up from her deep sleep. weird, but hey, she woke up at last. she was breathing heavily, the shock was clearly written on her face. with furrowed brows, she stared at me for a few seconds. my face was mirroring her expression as well before she let out a breath at last.

combing her orange hair using her hand, she looked up at me and asks, "a-are you done, jungkook?" i just nodded at her, which made her smiled in relief after that. the atmosphere went silence for a moment and dahyun finally calmed down a bit than before. leaning her back against the chair, her enlarged eyes were directed towards the messy table. there was no soul shown in her eyes and her body looked soulless for a while.

i'm having goosebumps already, just by looking at her figure. not wanting to waste any more time, i cleared my throat to grab her attention. startled, she now gazed at me with her monolid eyes. "it's already late, let's go home, shall we?" i suggested, receiving a good response from her. she nodded and started to clean the mess we've made.

it didn't take that long until the table was clean. after inserting her books inside her backpack, she stood up from the chair. dahyun stretched her body for a while, probably getting cramps all over her body. after all, her sleeping posture was really terrible. i copied her actions, and soon, we're already out of the library. my steps stopped when she stopped hers.

"well, i guess i'll see you tomorrow then," she uttered, hands holding the straps of her backpack tight. i beamed from ear to ear as i watch her making steps towards the opposite direction of mine. my smile soon faded away when a simple, short question popped into my mind.

she's going home by what? i mean, the sky was already dark. sure, she can wait for the bus. but the bus will only arrive in thirty minutes or later, right? what if someone--

oh my.

without thinking twice, i ran towards her. it was honestly quite tiring because she's already far by the time i made that decision. hearing me calling out her name made her stopped and turned her body. her eyes went huge when i grabbed both of her shoulders as my tracks stopped. she was confused, obviously. her brows drew together, and before she asks me any question, i grabbed the chance.

"let me send you home."

her mouth hanging open as she squinted her eyes at me in disbelief. noticing how desperate it sounded like, i shot her a sheepish smile, releasing the firm grips on his shoulders. licking her somewhat dry lips, she adds, "but you don't have any motorcycle, don't you? look, jungkook, it's fine. i'm just going to--"

i swallowed hard. no, i'm definitely not a douchebag who'll let a girl wait in the dark alone! i'm a gentleman and i'll prove it to dahyun! clenching my fists, i faked a cough. she was waiting for my explanation as she crossed her arms together, raising a brow at me.

"well, urm, i have a bike? i mean, it's dangerous for a girl like you to wait in the dark. please, dahyun? let me send you instead?"

she nibbled on her lower lip. i noticed that anxious look of her, waiting for her answer. after few seconds, i heard her sighing and finally let go of her hands from the backpack's strips. she grinned at me weakly, nodding.

and at that specific moment of time, where i realized at last, what my feelings towards her might be. i hoped they aren't true, because if they are, i really don't know how to deal with it.

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