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dahyun greeted me, hanging her backpack on the chair. half smiling, i turned my head towards her. her brunette hair today was tied into a messy bun above her head and as usual, her milky white face still glowing without any touch of makeup. i bowed my head slightly at her, which she simply replies by shooting her sweet smile.

"so how's your knee, by the way?" i questioned, eyeing her knee under the table. she 'accidentally' hurt her knee when we went out yesterday. and by accidentally, of course, it's not. she was running like that crazy kid that got too many sweets during halloween, when suddenly, well she fell down. she scrapped her knee badly, it was bleeding so much.

"i don't think so, it hurts like hell right now." she backed off a bit from her chair, then showed me her knee. i checked it out a bit, then raised my gaze back at her. it was wrapped with a brown bandage and was very obvious on her knee. a silent gasp escaped from my mouth. i can't imagined how bad it must be, but i bet it hurts. when i carried her to the clinic yesterday, she was already crying out of pain.

and yeah, i'm the one who carried her. apparently, her brother doesn't want to carry her because she's heavy. which i definitely agreed.

without any warning, my finger poked her injured knee. i don't know why i just-- i mean, feel the urge to touch it, i guess? she's my friend after all, right? yeah, probably right. the touch on her injured spot made her flinched, giving me a slow whimper in pain. her eyes darted at me in anger, trying to suffocate me somehow with that. and yeah, it doesn't look that intimidating at all.

"it hurts, you dumbass!"

her hand soon slapped mine, who happened to be poking her scraped knee continuously. my eyes went round, an obvious sign that i was shocked. i look at up her, and there she was, biting her lower part of the lip. dahyun gave me that deathly glare of her, and vice versa. soon, it turned into a glaring contest between us.

our glaring contest stopped when someone banged dahyun's table with his hands. startled, we both shifted our seats and sat up straight again. she pulled her seat closer towards the table, corners of her lips went up. i glanced over the guy, wanting to know who it was.

it's taehyung, kim taehyung. that one annoying kid. that aside, i think he's one of dahyun's closest friend. male friend. fun fact, she's actually shy with guys. i mean, yeah, people might see her as an extrovert girl. that's right. she's loud. and annoying. but she's also shy. does that make sense? probably.

"aww, these lovebirds!" his eyes darted towards me, a smirk appeared on his lips. i gulped, knowing what was that expression for. it's that kind of expression give the 'pervert-ahjussi' vibes. pointing his fingers towards both of us, as he continues, "do you think we couldn't notice you two since you sit at the back? hell no, babe!"

not knowing what he was talking about, both dahyun and i shifted our eyes around the classroom. my eyes enlarged at the sight, the whole classroom was staring at us. some students were giggling with each other, while some of them just stared at us with a grin plastered on their lips. my head turned towards dahyun, and she did the same too. shock crossed her face, it was obvious. we were both mirroring each other's expressions at the moment.

"oh, come on! just get a room already you two!"

i almost choked on my saliva, coughing badly for few seconds. dahyun seemed scared, and she soon began to pat my back to help me. i heard her muttering to me words to calm me down, saying, "are you okay? do you want water? take a deep breath, alright?" she repeated those words few times and stopped when i finally drank some water. i flashed her an assuring grin, giving a sign that i'm fine.

it seems that her actions made the whispers and chatters became louder and louder, to the point that even i can hear them without any difficulties. i glanced over dahyun, noticing her body already tensed up by hearing those gossips about us. i saw her face flushed out of embarrassment, waving her hands in the air in denial.

"it's not what you think!" her forehead creased as her eyes scanned the classroom. they all chuckled at her response, probably because it was adorable. i mean, she is adorable after all. hearing their chuckles made her face redder as she puffs her burning cheeks. i noticed her hands balled into fists, stuttering once again, "we're just friends!"

i nodded furiously. but yeah, they definitely wouldn't stop in any minute or two. more teasings are heard and soon, the class was already giggling and whispering with each other. my head turned to dahyun, and she also did the same. her body was trembling, i noticed that. our eyes met. she's scared, it was all written on her face.

and honestly, i'm scared, too.

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