열 둘.

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the next day, jungkook was nowhere to see. usually, at this hour, he's already sitting on his desk, scribbling stuff in his book. but today, i saw him sitting beside yugyeom instead. not complaining or something, but that's really weird. oh well, maybe he has something important to talk with him.

that's alright, dahyun you'll ask him out today, no matter what!

i waited and waited. until the bell rang. since the teacher is absent again, the students don't even bother to sit at their seats back. including him. leaving me alone, at the back of the class. for at least an hour.

until sana and taehyung approached me. their faces showed that they're concerned or something. she took a seat on jungkook's chair, linking arms with me. taehyung came standing beside me, then ruffled my hair out of sudden. that kinda angered me a bit, but the feeling then faded away.

"dahyun-ahh, sana is here for you! don't be sad, alright?" i glanced over my shoulder, watching her aegyo made me chuckled. sana is one of the cutest girl in school, and nobody can't argue on that fact. her hand lingered on my face, typical sana. "my my, look at that sour face of yours. sitting all alone at the back. where's your deskmate, huh?"

tae's question made my gaze laid at jungkook, once again. without realizing, my forehead already creased. they both realized my sudden change, and stole glances at him too. sighs escaped from them, when they saw him having fun with yugyeom.

"come on, let's sit with us, alright?"

i weakly nodded.



the corners of my mouth went upwards when his attention finally turned to me. for the first time today. we never talk or even look at each other today. and that made me missed him so much. i knew this sounds weird, but even though it was just for a day, i missed jungkook. i missed his smile, his voice and his laugh. everything about him.

he smiled, too. but it wasn't as sincere as mine. at least, that's what i noticed. holding the strips of his backpack, he made his way towards me. something about his facial expression made me felt uneasy. his expression somewhat told me that he doesn't even want to talk to me at all. that kinda brought me down a bit, honestly.

"oh, hey. why did you call me, dahyun?" he asked, there was no hint of interest at all in his tone. my smile soon faded away when i heard his question. i mean, can't you even greet me properly at all? we didn't talk at all, can't you at least smile at me? i'm quite mad when i kept on thinking about those thoughts but soon brushed them away.

maybe he has a bad day today, who knows, right?

"you didn't even greet me today, don't ya?" i puffed both of my cheeks, acting like i was sulking. well, of course i'm not actually sulking, but i was just kinda confused, you know? like, was he mad at me or something? if so, why? why would he be mad at me? did i do something wrong? ugh, these thoughts are coming back in my mind, and i really hate them.

he shot me an awkward smile of his.

"i'm sorry, but i don't even want to talk to you today."

eh? did he just— what was that? did i hear that right? there must be some misunderstanding, right? right, of course! jeon jungkook that i know would never say that to me. not even once in a lifetime, i bet. i'm pretty sure i heard that wrong before. no, scratch that. absolutely sure that i heard it wrong.

i copied that kind of smile plastered on his face, blinking my eyes a few times. "e-excuse me? can you please re—" i didn't even finish my words yet, but jungkook already walked away. i was confused. i was angry. i was disappointed. nothing actually happened, but for some reasons, i could hear something shattering. it was my heart. broken into pieces.

nibbling on my lower lip, i chased him and grabbed his hand. he turned his head towards me, brows frowning together. he seems mad. but i don't care. i took a deep breath, before saying, "did i hear that right? what, you don't even want to talk to me today? are you okay, jungkook? look, if you have any problem, you could just tell me. i'll always be there for you, you know that!"

he tried to escape from my grip, but i gripped him stronger than before. soon, a heavy sigh escaped from his mouth. weakly smiling, jungkook locked his gaze with mine. i could sense the passiveness in his eyes, somehow. he seems uninterested in the conversation, the same attitude that he showed me earlier of the year.

"i don't think we're that close, dahyun."

and just like that, my body weakens. he took the chance to escape and made his way out. leaving me behind, dumbfounded and heartbroken. i stared at his feet blankly. his feet that were walking away fromt he classroom. slumping my shoulders, i could felt my heart aching. so much, that i thought i could die.

"but i'm your deskmate," i mumbled, and of course, jungkook couldn't hear that. he's just a few steps away from the door. my eyes went up as i gulped. i know i should've let him go for now, but i just can't. the thought of seeing his cold gaze made me shudder. i don't want to lose him, even for a day. i inhaled deeply, and without any hesitation, i exclaims, "but i'm your deskmate, jungkook!"

i could felt that everyone's gazes were on me, including jungkook. but my face didn't portray a single emotion at all. he mirrored my expression, and soon, we both were glaring into each other's eyes. ignoring the weird stares from our classmates. the only sound i heard was him scoffing at me.

"you're just my deskmate, dahyun. you're not even my best friend, you should've known that."

and with that, he left the classroom. and with that, he left our conversation hanging. and with that, he left me broken.


three chapters to go!

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