열 하나.

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taehyung squatted down on the floor, brushing his hair to the back. his expression hardened as he looked up at me. i saw that bitter smile of him again. he locked his gaze with mine, the guilty feeling displayed in his eyes.

"haven't i made it obvious for you already?"

i bit my lower lip, holding my own tears from streaming down. i knew for sure that he was regretting the actions he did before, but i couldn't help but feel angry at him. my feelings were mixed all together, it was confusing and annoying the crap out of me. i couldn't think straight at all.

hands on my waist, i then shifted my gaze away from him. i couldn't even look at his face right, afraid that it'll add more fuel to the fire. i took a deep, deep breath. i felt my lips trembling, and soon, i broke down. i let out all those angry feelings that i've been keeping inside of my heart. only god knows how much it hurts right now.

taehyung knew what he did was wrong. and yet he couldn't even say sorry about it. and that tore me into pieces. he knew that every time i cry, my face will turn all red. he knew that when i cry, my breaths go unstable. he knew that when i cry, it'll take a long time before i finally stop. because kim taehyung is my best friend, that's why.

"fuck, just stop crying already!" he scolded me, but you know that i'll not stop at any moment or later right now. that only made my tears went louder and worse. i buried my face in my hands, sobs getting unstoppable. it's not his words that made me cry even more. it's not his angry tone that made me cry even more.

because i hate myself for being so ignorant and selfish, that's why.

i heard a loud sigh coming from him. soon, i felt his warm arms hugging me tightly. i put my hands down, sniffing. without hesitating, i hugged him back. it felt good to be in his arms. for a split moment, all my furious feelings were gone. for a split second. his manly hands patted my back in a loving and caring way. the thing he always does when he sees me crying.

"look, i'm sorry for shouting at you earlier." taehyung broke the hug, hands on my shoulders. our gazes locked together, adding the regretful feeling in my heart. he's really concerned with me, it could be seen clearly in his eyes. his lips shot me another smile, assuring everything gonna be fine. "you started to cry out of nowhere and it made me felt- i don't know how to say this, but i felt angry at myself for making you cry."

i know that. of course i do, i've known him for a long time now.

"i'm sorry for disturbing your confession earlier, but i was just, you know," he paused, eyes staring down on the floor. "jealous. i'm just jealous. sorry." he let go of my shoulders, now slumping his shoulders down. he continuously shook his head, a sign of regretting what he did before.

watching him soften my heart a bit. kim taehyung have a soft spot in my heart since i was little, and almost everyone knows that. beaming at him back, i took his hand. he was shocked and lifted his head as soon as our hands touched. his forehead crinkled, yet my smile was only getting bigger in size. i gripped his hand even tighter.

"i'm the one who's guilty here, you dumbass. i never knew you like me and by confessing to jungkook, i broke your heart into pieces. i'm so sorry, tae. i shouldn't be so selfish, i realized. can we be friends again?"

i gazed into his eyes, lifting a brow of mine. we stayed like that for a few seconds, his eyebrows furrowed even more as time passed by. and then suddenly, he chuckled. chuckled out loud. i was confused, not sure how to react with that. his chuckles stop after a few seconds. he was grinning from ear to ear at me back when he replies, "you're not selfish just because you want to confess to someone you like, you moron."

my grin soon turned into a pout. an angry pout, probably. i let his hand go, eyes glaring at him furiously. "yah, i'm trying to be sincere here, kim taehyung!" he stuck his tongue out, which really made my heart burned up even more. "tch, ungrateful child!"

and without i realized, our friendship was fixed at last. we both grinned at each other, knowing that nothing will change. even after all those tears.


"i already know that you like jungkook for a long time, by the way."

i chocked on the spicy tteokbokki that i was chewing, giving taehyung a weird look. he gave me a water bottle, and i hurriedly drank the water from him. swallowing, my eyes widened, demanding an explanation.

"of course i do, everyone knows that you two like each other. well, except you and jungkook, obviously."

"but how? i mean, it's not that obvi—" i was cut by the words that came out from his mouth. "i mean, you two are literally flirting with each other, and you lowkey don't realize that? you can be so stupid sometimes, you know?"

i felt my cheeks getting hotter. so they know it all, from the start? so they know, that i like jungkook? so the know, everything. oh god, i'm so embarrassed to death right now. i glanced at taehyung, he was laughing his heart out when he saw my reddening face. that jerk.

"even i can't resist your charm, and i've known you for over ten years now, dahyun."

i smiled shyly. looking up at him, a question suddenly popped up in my mind. one question that i've been wondering for a while now.

"how about jungkook then? i mean, he couldn't resist my charm too, right? taehyung?" i asked him, curiously was heard in my tone. he looked at me, putting down the chopsticks in his hands. he grinned, sticking out his hand, and then slowly, patted my head in a loving, fatherly way. "of course he couldn't, i could see in my eyes that he likes you so much. you don't have to be a worrier, alright?"

my heart skipped a beat as i nodded back at him. jungkook— he likes me too, right?

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