Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Twenty minutes passed before Clarke saw Camila's signal. "We can move now." She says softly.

Camila climbed down from the RV and began moving again.

Ally sat up and straightened her back. "That was uncomfortable."

"Believe me, we know." Clarke responds, watching Camila carefully.

Dinah frowns as she watches Camila, she wasn't the same girl that was once in a girl group with them. "What happened to her?" She mumbles to herself.

"Nobody knows, she doesn't talk about it, frankly, she doesn't talk at all." Lexa said.

"But she talked earlier." Dinah says slowly, confusion shining in her eyes.

"Yeah, but, she doesn't talk all the time, okay?" Lexa didn't know how else to explain it.

Nodding her head, Dinah leans her head against the window. "What's with the cloak and bandana?"

"I don't know, I asked once and she told me to never ask again." Lexa shrugged.

Looking away from Camila, Dinah looks at Lexa and frowns. "That doesn't sound like her."

Ally slams on the breaks when Camila suddenly stops in front of the car.

Moving to the driver's side door, Camila opens it and nods toward Clarke who climbs into the back with Lexa and the other three girls.

"What the hell was that? I could have killed you." Ally shook her head as Camila climbed into the car.

Camila doesn't respond as she takes over driving, speeding up gradually.

Six hours later, she pulls the car to a stop in front of a rest area.

"Aren't we going to drive at night?" Ally asked, frowning.

Not responding, Camila gets out of the car, killing two walkers before moving up to the glass of the rest area and banging on it twice.

"She doesn't like being out at night." Clarke responds slowly.

They watch as Camila opens the doors and steps back quickly, walkers immediately making their way out only to be taken out by her sword.

"We'd cover more ground if we traveled at night." Ally said. "We were supposed to be going to Atlanta, you're taking us in the wrong direction."

"That's because Atlanta is a danger zone. It's overrun with walkers." Lexa responds, getting out of the car and grabbing their bags with Clarke's help.

"We were told it was safe." Ally muttered, she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

Clarke looks up and shakes her head sadly. "Camila saved us from Atlanta ten months ago."

Ally closed her eyes. She didn't know what to do anymore.


Camila was wide awake, sitting by the glass and watching as a walker tries to get to her only to be stopped every time by the glass separating them.

She smirked. "Stupid walker." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

Her attention shifted to the girls, watching them all sleep for a few minutes before looking back at the glass.

The walker's jaw was barely attached to its skull as it continued ramming into the glass, blood and decayed skin sticking with every hit.

Rolling her eyes, she pulls out her lighter and a pack of cigarettes. Pulling down her bandana, she puts the cigarette in her mouth and lights it.

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