Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


"Hey," Camila whispered into Lauren's ear, they had just gotten home and everyone was asleep.

Lauren shifted in her sleep, rolling over and curling into Camila.

Smiling softly, Camila holds Lauren close and kisses her forehead gently.

Lauren buried her nose into Camila's chest and took a deep breath.

Closing her eyes, the younger girl slowly falls asleep, holding Lauren.

Lauren yawned and rubbed her eyes as she woke up.

Camila was sound asleep beside her, the brown eyed girl holding her close.

A small smile appeared on Lauren's face and she curled into Camila.

Shifting slightly, Camila releases a yawn, nuzzling Lauren's neck.

Lauren sighed contently. She didn't want to move. She was comfortable.

"Mmm, morning." The younger girl mumbles against Lauren's neck.

Lauren hummed in response.

"Mommy," Paisley whines from her crib.

Lauren let out a quiet groan.

"I'll get her." Camila says softly, kissing Lauren's forehead and getting up.

Lauren sighed and rolled onto her back. She stared at the ceiling.

A few minutes later, Camila walks into the room with a half awake Paisley in her arms. "Somebody just needed changed."

Lauren hummed and yawned. She motioned for Camila to get back in the bed. "I'm cold." She whined.

Laughing softly, Camila climbs back on the bed with Paisley in her arms and pulls Lauren closer.

Lauren shivered and curled into Camila's arms.

"I got you something." Camila mumbles tiredly.

Lauren hummed. "I didn't need anything."

"I know." The younger girl responds, slowly falling back asleep.

Lauren sighed and closed her eyes.


"No!" Preston screams angrily, beginning to throw a fit.

"What's going on?" Camila asked. "Why's he upset?"

Dinah runs a hand through her hair, "He's upset because he wants to go swimming in the ocean."

"Why can't he?" Camila asked. "There's an ocean just outside."

Sighing, Dinah looks down at the one year old, the little boy still throwing a fit. "He doesn't know how to swim."

"Teach him." Camila stated. "Why does he want to go anyway?"

"I don't know." The younger girl responds, "Peyton is sick and he wants to swim. I can't do both."

Camila thought for a moment. "Wait, Peyton's sick?"

Nodding her head, Dinah points to the pale little girl lying weakly in her crib.

"Well, you take him swimming. I'll stay here." Camila said. "Liam can run the compound for a day."

"She won't let me leave her sight." Dinah responds softly.

"I'll take him swimming then." Camila shrugged. "Wait, I can't swim either."

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