Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


"Hey," Camila says softly as she shifts in the bed and pulls Octavia back into her chest. "Sorry I'm late, went to see Leo and Mishti."

Octavia hummed tiredly. "You woke me up." She mumbled grumpily.

Kissing her shoulder, Camila smiles softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to get home so late and Lauren was nervous about keeping Jasper and Xander so they came with me."

"She's always nervous." Octavia mumbled.

"The boys are nightmares." The younger girl responds, rolling Octavia onto her back and looking into her eyes. "They're sharing the guest bedroom."

"They're here?" Octavia asked. "Great, now I'll never get back to sleep."

Sighing, Camila sits up. "Why do you hate them so much?"

"I don't hate them... I'm just tired." Octavia said with a yawn.

"You get upset anytime they are here." The younger girl responds tiredly.

"It's like you said they're nightmares." Octavia said.

Shifting, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "What do you expect?"

"You're angry at me, aren't you?"Octavia said sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not angry." Camila responds leaning down and kissing Octavia gently.

Octavia's eyes fluttered closed and she kissed Camila back.

Deepening the kiss, Camila rubs Octavia's hips before slowly pulling away.

Octavia smiled tiredly at Camila before yawning.

"Get some sleep." Camila says softly, kissing her forehead.

Octavia nodded and rolled onto her side, curling up and closing her eyes.

Wrapping her arms around Octavia, Camila smiles softly.

It wasn't long before Camila drifted off to sleep.


"Mama!" Autumn yells, tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, princess?" Camila wheeled herself over to Autumn.

Climbing onto Camila's lap, Autumn buried her face in Camila's neck and releases a soft sob.

"Princess, what's wrong?" Camila asked softly. She ran her fingers through Autumn's black soft locks hair.

"Davian calleded me a bad a word." The six year old sobs out.

"A bad word?" Camila sighed. "Let's go talk to his parents." She began wheeling herself and Autumn to the door.

The little girl just clings to Camila and continues to sob.

A few minutes later they stopped in front of Raven and Finn's house. Camila knocked on the door and Finn answered.

The older boy sighed. "What'd he do this time?"

"Autumn says he called her a bad word." Camila responds, rubbing Autumn's back as the little girl softly cries.

"Davian, get your backside over here right now young man!" Finn yelled. "Leave your mom alone, she's trying to work."

Groaning, Davian runs over to Finn. "What is it daddy? I'm trying to learn what mommy is doin!"

"You're in trouble, young man. Did you call Autumn a bad word?" Finn said seriously. Camila had never seen him this serious before.

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