Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


"Morning. How's your headache?" Camila asked softly as she sat down on the edge of the bed beside Octavia. She placed a bottle of water on the bedside table and leaned forward, pressing her lips softly to Octavia's forehead.

"Sore." Octavia mumbled through a yawn.

"Drink. Hydration is key to curing a headache." Camila said.

Rubbing her eyes, Octavia looks up at Camila before looking toward Bellamy's bed, it was empty. "When can we see him?"

"Soon." Camila said softly.

Closing her eyes, Octavia takes a deep breath. "Hold me?"

Camila lay down on the bed beside Octavia. She wrapped her arms around the brown haired girl and pulled her close. "He'll be okay."

Nodding her head, Octavia buries her face in Camila's neck. "I'm worried."

"He'll be okay." Camila repeated.

Slowly, Octavia relaxed, starting to drift off.

Camila kissed the side of Octavia's head.

When Octavia wakes up, still in Camila's arms, her body slightly relaxed.

Camila had drifted off to sleep beside Octavia.

Shifting, Octavia kisses Camila's shoulder and moves to get up.

Camila rolled over in her sleep, releasing Octavia.

Getting up, Octavia changes her clothes and leaves the room. She went to the medical room to find out how her son was.

"Hey sweetie," Arizona says, sending her a soft smile.

Abby still hadn't warmed up to the perky blonde doctor.

"How's my son?" Octavia asked flatly.

Grabbing Octavia's hand, Arizona led her to where the little boy was peacefully sleeping. "He's doing much better than he was yesterday."

Octavia nodded slowly. "What's wrong with him?"

"I'm still figuring that out, he seems fine. But the way his nose was gushing blood concerns me." Arizona responds softly.

Octavia sighed. "I just want to know what's wrong with him." She muttered.

"I'll do everything to find it out." Arizona promises softly.

Octavia nodded slowly.

"For now, we'll let him rest, you should go rest too." the older girl says softly.

"I'm fine." Octavia muttered.

"Octavia, go." Arizona commands softly, not taking no for an answer.

"I'm fine." Octavia responded.

Sighing, Arizona turns Octavia around and points toward the door. "Someone will get you if anything changes."

Octavia turned. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Octavia, I'm not giving you a choice. I need to take care of your son and I can't do that with you here." the blonde says calmly.

"He's my son and I'm not going anywhere." Octavia responded.

Camila walks in and frowns. "O,"

Octavia turned her head. "What?"

"Come on, let Arizona do her work." Camila says softly.

"He's my son, I'm not going anywhere." Octavia responded.

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