Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four


"No!" Camila yells in her sleep, jumping awake, her eyes widening.

She was alone, Octavia had gone to work.

Swallowing thickly, she tries to calm herself down, flinching when a cold hand touches her overly warm skin.

"Cami?" Clarke asked softly. "Are you okay?"

Nodding her head slowly, Camila sits up and looks into her eyes. "Nightmare."

Clarke sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Shaking her head, Camila pulls the older girl down and into a slow and passionate kiss.

Clarke seemed surprised. She didn't kiss Camila back.

Pushing forward, Camila lays Clarke down on the bed and deepens the kiss.

Clarke tensed, clearly reluctant.

Frowning, Camila pulls away and looks into Clarke's eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Clarke shook her head.

"Then why won't you kiss me?" The younger girl asks in confusion.

"I'm not completely convinced that Octavia is letting you be with us." Clarke admitted.

Frowning, Camila shakes her head. "She is, she would've told me to leave you again if she wasn't."

Clarke looked down at her hands in shame. She bit her lower lip.

Lifting Clarke's head, Camila leans in and kisses her slowly and passionately.

Clarke gasped, her arms traveled up to wrap around the back of Camila's neck.

Deepening the kiss, Camila lays Clarke back down on the bed.

Clarke's eyes fluttered closed and she smiled.

It wasn't long before they were completely naked, Camila kissing down Clarke's body before lining her erection up with the older girl's entrance and slowly thrusting into her.

Clarke gasped, her hands tangling around the sheets beneath her. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Leaning back up and kissing her, Camila begins thrusting her hips slowly and teasingly.

Clarke untangled her fingers from the sheets and rolled them over, taking control.

Gripping Clarke's hips, Camila moans into her mouth.

Clarke pulled away, breathing deeply.

Looking into her eyes, Camila thrusts her hips upward, sliding deeper into the blonde.

Clarke rested her head on Camila's shoulder and began bouncing her hips.

The younger girl allows Clarke to ride her for a few more minutes, before flipping them and beginning a faster pace.

Clarke moaned, her breath hitching in her throat.

It wasn't long before they were falling over the edge, Camila thrusting deeper into Clarke before releasing ropes of cum into her.

Clarke relaxed against the bed, her eyes staying closed. She breathed heavily.

Nuzzling her neck, Camila places a gentle kiss under her jaw, not pulling out of her as she begins falling asleep.

Eventually Clarke's breathing evened out and she drifted off to sleep.

Pulling a blanket over them, Camila relaxes even more and fully falls asleep.


When Camila wakes up, she's alone and completely naked. Frowning, she sits up and looks around the room, finding Octavia folding Bellamy's clothes.

"Hey," Camila says, her voice raspy from both sex and sleep.

"Clarke left a few minutes ago." Octavia informed her. She folded Bellamy's dinosaur shirt.

Nodding, Camila grabs her clothes and slowly pulls them on. "Where were you when I woke up?"

"Work." Octavia said. "I had a class to teach. We were baking cookies."

"Mmm, cookies sound delicious right about now." The younger girl says, moving over and beginning to fold Kadence's clothes.

"We made enough for everyone, I think." Octavia said.

Nodding her head, Camila puts the clothes in the dresser before turning back toward Octavia. "Come take a shower with me? Raven, Sam, and I installed stalls that way people stopped walking in on others completely naked."

"When did you do that?" Octavia asked.

"Before the supply run, people kept complaining about walking in on couples having sex." Camila responds with a shrug as she continues folding clothes.

"They shouldn't have been having sex in the showers." Octavia shrugged.

"I gotta admit, I've always wondered what shower sex was like." Camila responds, glancing toward Octavia whose eyes had darkened.

"Um..." Octavia trailed off, shaking her head. Her eyes went back to normal. "Not this time."

Moving around the table, Camila pulls Octavia into her arms and kisses her slowly and passionately.

Octavia's eyes fluttered closed. She released a long breath through her nose.

Lifting her up, Camila places her on the table, stepping between her thighs and grinding her erection against Octavia's clothed center.

The kiss was quickly growing more heated and Octavia growled when Camila pulled away, leaving her hot and bothered.

"Come shower with me." Camila says, grabbing her shower things and adjusting her erection in her pants.

Octavia stared at her. "You did that just so you could get shower sex, didn't you?" She shook her head.

"Nope, I'm practicing control." Camila responds with a smirk on her lips.

Octavia looked up at her in disbelief. "Really?"

"Come shower with me." Camila responds, changing the subject once more.

Octavia shook her head. "I'll shower later. I have to go get Kadence from Arizona."

Pouting, Camila steps back over to Octavia, dropping her shower bag and kissing the older girl slowly and passionately once more.

Octavia pulled away. "Go shower."

Shaking her head, Camila begins trailing open mouthed kisses down her neck.

"Camila! I'm serious, go shower." Octavia pushed Camila's shoulders. "This isn't control."

Frowning, Camila mumbles something in Spanish before picking up her bag and leaving the room.


Normani moans as her back hits the shower wall, her eyes fluttering closed.

Growling lowly, Camila moves her kisses down the dark-skinned girl's chest.

Normani's breath caught in her throat.

Lifting Normani up higher, Camila slowly slides her down onto her erection and thrusts into her, starting a fast yet gentle pace.

Normani curled around Camila, closing her eyes and letting her moans come out.

It doesn't take long before they're crashing over the edge and Camila slowly pulls out of Normani.

"Mmm," she mumbles, kissing Normani quickly before beginning to shower.

Normani closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall.

"Mani, you gotta shower." Camila says teasingly.

"Just give me a moment." Normani mumbled.

Chuckling, Camila finishes her shower and moves over to help Normani. "That good huh?"

Normani opened her eyes and sighed. She shrugged.

Kissing her quickly, Camila begins washing the older girl's body.

Normani watched Camila. She ran her fingers through her hair.

Looking up, Camila smiles and leans in, kissing her gently.

Normani pulled away. "I should shower." She wiggled out of Camila's grip.

Frowning, Camila steps back. "I was washing you."

Normani sighed. "I know."

Looking down, Camila holds the washcloth out toward Normani.

Normani slowly took the washcloth. "Thanks."

Nodding her head, Camila opens the stall door and grabs her towel, stepping out and shutting the door behind her.

Normani sighed. She ran her fingers through her wet hair.


Camila made her way back to Octavia's room, fully dressed, her hair still wet from the shower. Climbing into the bed, she tried to fall asleep.

She heard little feet running and someone jumped on the bed. "Hi, mama!" Bellamy said. "I brought you a cookie."

Smiling softly, Camila sits up and takes the cookie. "Thank you buddy."

Bellamy smiled. "They are yummy."

"I bet. Where's mommy?" The younger girl asks, taking a bite of the cookie.

"Mommy is outside with Kadence." Bellamy said.

Nodding, Camila stands up and lifts the four year old into her arms. "You're getting big buddy."

Bellamy smiled proudly. "Big, like you." He pointed at Camila.

Nodding, Camila kisses his forehead. "Let's go find mommy and Kadence." She says, carrying him out of the room.

"Mommy!" Bellamy clapped his hands. "Serious question, did you enjoy the cookie?"

Chuckling, Camila smiles. "Yes, the cookie was delicious."

Bellamy nodded. "Good because I made it."

"Good job." Camila says softly, kissing his forehead.

It wasn't long before they were outside, Camila putting him down and catching Kadence who runs straight for her.

"Hi princess," Camila says with a wide smile.

Kadence smiled and clapped her hands.

Grabbing Bellamy's hand, Camila holds Kadence close and begins walking toward Octavia who is having what seems to be a heated argument with Anya.

Octavia threw her hands up in frustration and growled angrily at Anya.

Frowning, Camila stops and passes Kadence and Bellamy to Raven who's flirting with Finn.

Walking over to Octavia, Camila tries to ignore the panic growing in her chest. "What's going on over here?"

"It's none of your business." Anya spat.

Tensing, Camila pulls Octavia back into her arms. "It is my business if you distracted her from our kids."

"You don't deserve her or those kids. You are a horrible person, Camila." Anya growled.

Swallowing thickly, Camila glances toward Octavia who had pulled out of her arms. "What makes you say that?"

"If you loved her you wouldn't be with all those other girls." Anya shook her head.

As soon as Octavia looks down, Camila fights back tears. "What would you know? You're the one pining after my fiance." She snaps out before moving to walk past Octavia who grabs her arm.

"Please don't go." Octavia pleaded.

Closing her eyes, Camila takes a deep breath and lets her tears fall. "You pulled away from me and looked down, almost like you were embarrassed."

Octavia shook her head. "I'm sorry."

Opening her eyes, Camila searches Octavia's eyes. "Why would you pull away?"

"I don't know." Octavia closed her eyes.

Cupping her cheek, Camila takes a deep breath. "I love you."

"I love you too." Octavia breathed out.

Stepping back, Camila looks down. "I need to help Raven with something." She says quickly.

"Oh okay." Octavia nodded. "I'll be in our room."

Nodding, Camila kisses Octavia quickly before walking over to Raven and talking to her, lifting Bellamy into her arms.

"I bet she's really going to fuck her." Anya says coldly.

"Would you fuck off?" Octavia snapped before slapping Anya and storming away.

A few hours later.

Camila lays Kadence down in her crib and covers her up before helping Bellamy into his bed, kissing his forehead and covering him up.

Moving over to the bed, Camila strips her clothes and boxers and changes into a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra.

She didn't realize, Octavia was laying in their bed and watching her with desire filled eyes.

Camila pulled on her shirt and turned toward the bed. "I didn't realize you were awake."

"I was waiting for you to come back, didn't expect it would be so late." The older girl responds.

Nodding, Camila pulls the covers down on her side and lays down before covering up. "Raven and I got distracted by something she was making."

"What was she making?" Octavia asked.

"We're hoping something that can help us survive longer out here." The younger girl responds, flinching when Octavia's cold hand touches her stomach.

"That's nice." Octavia hummed, resting her head on Camila's shoulder and sighing. She closed her eyes.

Wrapping an arm around her, Camila releases a content sigh. "Abby needs me to go out again, she said we should stock up on more medical supplies."

"You already did that." Octavia said.

"I thought so too, but apparently we need more." The younger girl mumbles, her entire body relaxed as she held Octavia close.

"Oh." Octavia sighed. "Let's just go to sleep." She closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.


One year later.

"Ben, baby wake up." Camila says softly, running a hand through the one year old's hair.

Benjamin rolled over, whining.

Chuckling, Camila picks him up and kisses his forehead. "Come on baby, you gotta wake up."

Benjamin frowned, slowly opening his eyes.

Smiling, Camila rubs his back. "Are you hungry?"

Benjamin shook his head, curling into her and closing his eyes.

Carrying him out of the room, Camila moves over to Octavia and smiles softly. "Hey, someone's not ready to wake up."

"Why did you wake him up then?" Octavia asked, she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Because Abby said not to let him sleep too much." The younger girl responds.

"Why not?" Octavia frowned. "He's a baby. He's supposed to sleep."

"I don't know." Camila mumbles, shifting Ben in her arms.

Benjamin releases a soft whine and kicks his feet, he hated being awake.

"Put him back to bed." Octavia said. "I'm not in the mood to hear him cry."

Sighing, Camila takes him back into the room and lays him in the crib.

Walking back out to Octavia, she frowns. "Are you mad at me?"

Octavia shook her head. "I'm just tired."

Looking down, Camila shifts slightly. "It's my fault you barely slept last night, why don't you go and get some sleep now?"

Octavia nodded and rolled onto her side. She curled up and closed her eyes.

Leaning down, Camila kisses her forehead and looks around Cell Block D, they had moved into the cell block to give them more privacy.

"Mama, can we get breakfast?" Bellamy asked.

Smiling, Camila lifts Kadence into her arms, the three year old half awake. "Yes we can." She says, holding her hand out to him.

Bellamy smiled and took her hand.

Leaving the cell block, Camila leads them to the cafeteria. "Why don't you sit with aunt Raven and eat while I go check on your other siblings?"

Bellamy nodded. "Okay." He smiled and skipped over to Raven.

Kadence shakes her head and curls into Camila even more, she was completely attached to Camila.

Camila sighed. "Let's go see your siblings."

Closing her eyes, the three year old starts to fall asleep, gripping onto Camila's shirt.

Camila carried Kadence over to where her other kids were eating.

"Mama!" They all yell excitedly.

Winter releases a whine from Clarke's arms, kicking her feet and nuzzling her chest.

"I have to go feed her." Clarke stood up and carried Winter away.

Juliana releases a loud squeal from Normani's arms, kicking her feet.

Normani ran her fingers through Juliana's hair.

The three month old squeals again and kicks her feet.

"She's a happy baby." Lauren muttered grumpily.

Andre was sound asleep in the stroller beside Normani.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks softly, moving over to Lauren and running a hand through her hair.

"I'm tired." Lauren mumbled, she stared at her food. "And my breakfast isn't very nice."

"Do you want me to get you something different?" Camila asks softly, kissing her forehead.

Lauren shook her head. "I picked it. I have to eat it."

"Baby, if I say I can get you something else. I mean it." Camila says softly, kissing her forehead.

Lauren shook her head. "I have to eat it." She said stubbornly, she pushed the sticky porridge around on the plate.

"Mom woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Paisley said.

Nodding, Camila kisses Lauren's forehead and lays a sleeping Kadence down in the stroller beside Lauren.

"How about you come with me and make her a better breakfast?" Camila asks Paisley.

"If it'll improve her mood, yes." Paisley said, she didn't like when Lauren was grumpy.


"No!" Kadence screamed, fighting against laying in her bed.

"Why not?" Octavia frowned. "You have to, you're a big girl."

Shaking her head, the three year old holds her arms up for Octavia to pick her up.

"No." Octavia turned away. "You are a big girl and big girls sleep in their own beds."

"No!" Kadence screams in frustration.

Octavia crossed her arms over her chest and ignored her daughter.

"She giving you trouble again?" Camila asks, walking into the room.

"She's always giving me trouble." Octavia sighed. "You fight with her, I'm tired of doing it."

"Kadence Hartley, lay down and go to bed now." Camila commands the three year old.

Whining, the three year old quickly lays down and closes her eyes.

"What the...?" Octavia trailed off, shaking her head. "I give up."

Walking over to her, Camila leads her out of the room and go their room. "Don't worry about her baby, she's been very clingy lately."

"I don't understand why." Octavia said. "She's three. Bellamy was never like that."

"I don't understand it either." The younger girl responds, walking over to their bed and beginning to change.

"Maybe we should get someone who is trained in child psychology to look at her." Octavia suggested.

Nodding, Camila looks toward Octavia. "We can talk to Andrew, he was a child psychologist."

Octavia nodded. She sighed and pulled her shirt off, pulling her nightshirt on.

Walking over to Octavia, Camila pulls her into a slow and passionate kiss, just holding her close.

Octavia smiled against Camila's lips, her eyes fluttering closed.

Deepening the kiss, Camila tangles a hand in Octavia's hair and leans her head back, sliding her tongue into her mouth.

It wasn't long before they were lying in each other's arms on the bed, drifting off to sleep.

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