Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Three months later.

Camila sighs as she loads the last truck. They were preparing for a moment of having to run if the horde gets any closer.

"Camila, have I done something wrong?" Quinn asked sheepishly, after her conversation with Octavia, it took her a couple of months to get the courage up to ask Camila what was going on with them.

"No, I've just been very busy." Camila responds softly.

Quinn swallowed. "Oh." She bit her lip.

Sighing, Camila stops what she's doing and turns to look at Quinn. "I'm sorry."

"I just thought I'd done something wrong because you wouldn't talk to me." Quinn mumbled.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong, I promise. There's something I need to tell you." Camila says softly.

Quinn looked up, her green eyes searching Camila's face before she nodded.

"There's a horde coming, it's getting closer everyday." The older girl breathes out. "We need to prepare to leave."

"Sam already told me." Quinn said slowly, remembering her conversation with Sam.

Nodding, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "Have you prepared?"

"Sam managed to trick the kids into helping, they are almost finished... I think." Quinn responded.

"That's good." Camila turns back to loading her truck.

"Do you need help?" Quinn asked.

Shaking her head, Camila smiles softly. "I'm almost done."

"Oh... okay." Quinn ran her hand through her hair, feeling kind of useless.

"Actually, can you go make sure the girls are done? I need to put their things in our van, since we found one big enough for all of us. You and Sam are driving my truck." Camila says, nodding toward the large van that looks to be like a bus with seatbelts.

"Okay." Quinn nodded once and walked off.

Shutting the back of the truck, Camila pulls the tarp down over it and sighs.

She ran her hand through her hair.

"Mama, what's going on?" Camila turned to find Paisley standing behind her. The younger girl looked really confused.

Sighing softly, Camila looks into her daughter's eyes. "Do you remember the monsters we've been telling you about?"

Paisley frowned in confusion, thinking really hard. "The ones in mom's nightmares?"

"The reason you aren't allowed outside the gates." Camila responds.

Paisley tilted her head to the side. "Those?" She pointed to a walker.

"Yes, more of them are coming." The brown eyed girl explains.

"More?" Paisley swallowed, shifting uncomfortably.

Nodding, Camila steps forward and leans down slightly to look into Paisley's eyes. "Which is why we are preparing to leave."

"Leave?" Paisley nodded.

"Why don't you go help mommy for me?" Camila asks, kissing her forehead.

Paisley shook her head. "I'm staying with you."

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