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A girl from Greece who came to the top with her ENGLISH story and made us proud! 😘😘

1) "Name?"

Iris Katsiri.

2) "Age?"

I’m twenty years old (I’m old I know lmao).

3)" What are your hobbies?"

I don’t really have any hobbies besides writing, I’m a lazy ass. 

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I started writing when I was about twelve years old and it was at that age when my imagination had just started running wild and I made many story plots in my head. Also during that period of time I had just discovered Wattpad and I was reading non- stop books all day. So one day I decided that I wanted to start writing too and that’s kind of how I started writing stories.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

As far as I can remember, my first story ever must of been a horrible fan fiction of Twilight which I didn’t even finish and thankfully I haven’t find since then any draft or proof that the story ever existed. It was thatbad. 

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

No, only on Wattpad.

7) "What has given you motivation to keep on writing?"

Definitely must have been the incredible feedback I have gotten all these years.  I love to write, I write mostly for me and then for all the others but I know that if I didn’t have the response that I have today, I might have given up writing. So both the feedback and my love for my stories has been a motivation to keep going and keep writing. 

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Not so much as ‘giving up’ on writing as ‘taking a break’ from writing. There are times when I can’t get inspired enough to write anything and then other times that all I want to do is write chapter after chapter. I think it all depends on the timing and on my mood. I wish I was back in high school when I didn’t have any huge responsibilities and was writing every day a new chapter but as you grow up you face more difficulties and you have more responsibilities so inevitability you’re gonna put it in second place. 

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

My favorite story on Wattpad is ‘Anarchy’ and the sequel ‘Anarchy: Annihilation’. Not so much for being a Harry Styles fan fiction as it is for the whole dystopian theme. 

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

I can’t say that I made any friendships on Wattpad, at least not the kind of friendships that I see of people meeting each other and Skype and all that. I answer to everyone’s inbox messages and try to chat with everyone. I also try to help and give advice to some people that are going through a difficult time and have to deal with some of the problems that I represent in ‘HBN’ and they find me to tell me that. I’m really grateful that they do because I certainly wouldn’t want to ignore anyone who’s asking for my help.  So I don’t know if someone would call them friends but I always tell them that if they need a friend I’m here. 

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

Out of all the books that I’ve written I think the one person I can relate to the most is probably Annabelle. I’m just that girl. If you put us next to each other you wouldn’t find a difference. But obviously I didn’t create her to match my personality it just sort of happened. So yeah I’m Annabelle.

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