Chapter 1

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Description: Clementine has been feeling very under the weather lately. She decides to take a walk outside the school, her mind full of questions. One simple answer could change her life.

Wordcount: 3136


"Calm down Clementine, you don't know shit yet."

That was what she kept telling herself, pacing her small room. Early morning sunlight seeped through the cracks in the window and cast odd shadows on her desk decorations. In her five years at Ericson's, she's amassed quite the collection of animal skulls, now displayed proudly all over her and Louis's room.

"You're just late, no biggie," she told herself firmly, shaking her head.

She looked over to the bucket on the floor beside her bed, fresh vomit sticking to its inner surface, and frowned. The bed covers were strewn around and five pillows covered the bed from head to toe. Clem had found out the hard way that Louis was indeed a pillow hog when he'd brought all his stuff to her room four years ago. Half of his 'stuff' was his pillows, which he guarded jealously.

Louis himself was not around. He'd woken up early for the morning shift and had let her sleep in. Clem had been rather sick the past few days and he didn't want to bother her. How considerate, she thought, rolling her eyes. As she tried to move toward the bed, another cramp reached her abdomen and she bent over in pain, clutching her stomach.

"Thirteen years surviving the apocalypse, and I'll get killed by a fucking stomach bug," she mused, chuckling at the irony of her statement.

Standing up firmly, she pushed through the pain and walked out of her room. The hallway was empty except for Aasim, who was moving a stack of chairs somewhere. Over the last couple of months, he'd been trying unsuccessfully to grow a beard. It was not suiting him very well, Clementine thought. He looked over up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"Louis said you'd be in bed all day," he pointed out.

"Do I look like I'm in bed?" she asked irritably, rolling her eyes.

Backing off, Aasim nodded, "Alright, sorry. Good to see you on your feet."

He waddled as best he could down the hallway. "Wait Aasim, I'm sorry!" she called out to him as he disappeared into the courtyard. Damn these hormones, she thought.

"No, that's not what's happening here!" she chastised herself, shaking her head and walking down the path Aasim took.

Outside, she saw Aasim setting the stack of chairs down next to a hunched Violet, who thanked him. AJ was sitting on the steps to the admin building, talking absently with Tenn. Her small boy had grown into a strong ten-year-old, every day taking more and more after his father. He's Alvin's son alright, she thought with a smile.

When AJ spotted Clem exiting the dorms he sprinted in her direction, launching himself at her. Doubling over in pain, Clem groaned under his weight and almost collapsed. By now, he was almost the same height as her, and definitely more athletic. He backed away, a concerned expression on his face.

"Shit, sorry Clem," he blurted, helping her to her feet.

"It's okay kiddo," she assured him, ruffling his hair. "I'm just rather tired this morning."

"There's the most beautiful woman in the apocalypse." She heard the sing song voice coming from her left and turned to see a very giddy looking Louis walking in her direction. 'Chairles' was hoisted on his right shoulder, and he had rid himself of his usual trench coat for a much more comfortable leather jacket.

"And there's the funniest man in the apocalypse," she responded, on hand on her hip and a smile on her face.

"Wow, you get beautiful and I get funny?" he feigned offense, clutching his heart dramatically. "This relationship feels unbalanced, Your Majesty."

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