Chapter 15

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Description: Louis and the rest roll out their rescue mission for Clementine in the Right Arm compound, but not everything goes according to plan.

Wordcount: 4359

A/N: Finally, it's here! Louis is finally getting Clem back. I hope you enjoyed that short filler chapter yesterday because this one is much longer (twice as long, actually). I can't stress enough how much I love all the support you guys have been giving me on this series! Y'all are amazing.


It's been five days, Clementine thought to herself as she watched the sunlight fade away into yet another cold night. Despite it being the middle of spring, these people sure knew how to make a cell drop thirty degrees come night. She shivered when another breeze blew past her, wrapping her arms around herself.

As per usual, she could hear the moans and groans of the walkers on the other side of the wall. She presumed that the cell she was being held must have been very close to the outer perimeter. Tonight, however, the sounds of the undead were unnervingly intense. She stood up, groaning as another pain shot through her stomach. Her lack of food was starting to take a toll.

She clutched her stomach, looking around for the tenth time that day. So far, she'd found no way out of her predicament on her own. The walls were sealed on all sides with thick concrete. The windows had metal bars dug deep into the window frames, and the door was too heavy for her to even push. As she pondered on other ways out, the telling creaking sound of the door opening made her jump.

Two armed guards entered the cell, brandishing large assault rifles in their hands and a handgun on their belts. Between them came John Myers, his hands held together behind his back. He eyed Clementine up and down, his eyes darting over to a pool of vomit beside one of the chairs.

"I see you're making yourself comfortable," he teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, room service here sucks," she replied with a shrug. "But other than that, I'm peachy."

Myers chuckled, smiling down at the woman. Her hunched stance only accented just how tall the man really was. He cleared his throat, straightening up his back. "Dr. Madsen tells me you refused to take that test."

Clem crossed her arms and glared at the man. Despite what her brain was telling her, there was no way she was taking out three fully armed men in her state, so she settled for stares and witty remarks. "Why does it matter if I'm pregnant or not? You'll give me special treatment?" she mocked.

The edge of Myers's mouth curled up again. He crossed his arms to match her stance, his legs bound together as if by an invisible rope. "You've got spirit, kid. I'll give you that," he said, nodding at her. "We could use someone like you in the Right Arm. A fierce, strong survivor. A damn great fighter, I hear. You gave my scouts quite a run for their money before they had to knock you out."

"Well, three against one isn't really fair," Clem pointed out, flinching when her stomach grumbled. Myers looked down, smirking.

"You getting hungry?" he asked.

She didn't dignify that with a response, instead choosing to glare at him. Rolling his eyes, Myers snapped his fingers and the two guards stepped forward. Clem backed off, preparing for a fight with raised fists.

"We're not gonna hurt you," the old man assured her. "See, there's a herd coming our way. Nothing we haven't handled, of course, but sometimes those pesky walkers manage to sneak one or two of their kind inside."

"Being so close to the wall, I don't think you'd appreciate being torn apart should that happen to occur here, right?"

The two men seized her arms from behind, getting little resistance from the woman. There was no point in fighting that, she knew. They dragged her out of the cell, giving her the first look of the outside since she'd been locked in there.

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