Chapter 8

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Description: Following Clem's disappearance, tensions run high in Richmond. Louis, Javi, and Gabe must unite to form a plan of rescue for Clem.

Wordcount: 2424


"I don't care. I want to see the son of a bitch!"

Louis's yells echoed through the halls, his face flustered after having run down the stairs. AJ stood awkwardly beside him. He'd never seen Louis this way. A robust man stood between Louis and the office door, crossing his arms and denying him entry. The freckled man's glare could have pierced through his skull.

Before Louis had time to protest any longer, the office door opened and Javi stepped outside. "It's okay, Charlie. Let them through," he commanded. The man named Charlie nodded at Javier and stepped aside, eyeing Louis and AJ warily.

They followed Javier in, the older man sighing in frustration. Inside, a number of candles had been lit, casting odd shadows on the walls. Eleanor and Gabe stood to the side. The latter had his hands in his pockets, his eyes averting Louis's general area.

"What the fuck happened?" Louis began by way of introduction, slamming his hands on Javier's desk. "I woke up a few minutes ago to a woman telling me my wife is missing!"

"Louis, I know how you feel–," Javi began before being cut off.

"No, you don't know how I feel!" the man spat, fire burning in his brown eyes. "Now tell me what happened," he seethed, venom in his words.

He heard Gabe clear his throat and turned to the man, waiting for an explanation. Gabe walked to his uncle's side, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk. He sighed and looked down.

"Clem and I were hunting together," he began, pursing his lips. "At one point she had to go to the bathroom, so she walked off."

"And you let her walk away alone?" bellowed Louis, throwing his arms in the air.

"What was I supposed to do?" Gabe shot back, standing up straight. Even then, Louis still towered over him menacingly. "You wanted me to go with her?"

"Of course, you moron!" Louis snapped, "You don't let a pregnant woman go by herself in this world!

Gabriel shook his head, blinking rapidly. "Hold on, what?" he mumbled. "What do you mean, pregnant?"

Cursing himself under his breath, Louis reeled back, kicking a trash can. He ran his hands through his hair; a habit he'd picked up from Clem long ago. "Alright, yes," he conceded, rubbing his face. "Clementine's pregnant. We didn't wanna tell you because we're not ready to tell people yet."

"Then how was I supposed to know that?" Gabe spat, stepping toward Louis. Eleanor and Javier watched from the sidelines, seeing the fight unfold.

"You're supposed to look after her no matter what," Louis reminded him, "That's what Javier here said to us on our first day here. 'We always look out for one another on supply runs'," he repeated in a mocking tone.

"I lost track of her for a second and–."

"And it only cost you my wife!"

The man ran a hand through his dreads once more, pulling them back. AJ stood silently watching his father figure spiral into rage, nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Javier stepped in between Gabe and Louis, sighing.

"Look, I know the situation sucks," he began, attempting to cool tensions. "But we can't keep arguing amongst ourselves. We have to figure out a plan to get Clementine back, okay?"

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