Chapter 22

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Description: After Hope's birth, the new parents, along with their adoptive son, adjust to their new life, enjoying it to the fullest.

Wordcount: 3770

A/N: We're getting close to the end now. Only one chapter left! Stay tuned over the weekend for the final update. I hope y'all enjoy this fluffy piece.


Louis paced the hallway outside Clem's room, AJ leaning against the opposite wall. It had been two days since Hope was born, and Eleanor was inside Clementine's room checking on mother and daughter. Louis had rushed as fast as he could to Richmond, arriving a day later and letting Javi and Eleanor that the baby was healthy. Javi drove them back to the school immediately.

Javi was walking down the hallway toward them. The freckled man looked up at him, a frown on his face.

"Any news on Clem?" Javi asked, eyeing the door. They heard a high-pitched chuckle from the other side and Louis smiled.

"Eleanor's still in there," he replied. "She said there's nothing to worry about, but you can understand my skepticism."

Javi nodded. "I can," he said simply. "Don't worry; Clem's the toughest woman I know. She'll be just fine."

He leaned against the wall beside AJ, crossing his arms. They waited patiently, the silence only broken by the sounds of nature outside. It was a beautiful autumn morning. The sun shone through the window, birds welcoming the beginning of a new day with their melodic singing. Louis looked out the window, seeing the dried leave on the courtyard rustle in the soft wind.

"So," Javi said after a while. "How's it feel holding your daughter?"

Louis's expression softened, his smile threatening to outshine the sun outside. "It was... incredible," he said, shrugging. "It was exactly what I expected it'd be, and more. I never thought I'd be able to love anyone as much as I love Clem, but little Hope takes the cake."

"I'm happy for you, Louis," Javi said, nodding. "You guys deserve some happiness after the shit you've been through; the shit Clem's been through."

"Strongest woman we know, right?" Louis said, winking down at AJ, who giggled.

"You guys are staying here for good now, I suppose," Javi said. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah, it's our home," Louis said, nodding slowly. "We're extremely grateful to you guys, but I think it sort of worked out in the end. We would have had to wait a few months for Clem and the baby to travel back here safely."

"It's perfectly fine," Javi said, clapping Louis on the shoulder. "Eleanor and I will leave this afternoon, and she'll be coming back a few times to check on Hope. And you're welcome to drop by anytime you want after that, you know?"

"Don't worry, we will," Louis promised. "I haven't forgotten your promise to play baseball."

Their conversation was cut short when the door to the room clicked open and Eleanor stepped out, a stethoscope hanging from her neck.

"Louis and AJ, you guys can come in if you want," she said with a soft smile. Upon seeing Louis's concerned expression, she shook her head. "Everything's perfectly fine. The labor was induced by the great amount of stress, but she got lucky. Real lucky."

Excitedly, AJ rushed into the room. Louis chuckled and followed the boy inside, closing the door behind him. The window between the beds was open, a gentle breeze flowing through it. Around the walls were some of AJ's drawings through the years, most of which they'd deemed way too valuable to carry on their trip to Richmond.

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