Vampire Academy- Another Way

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Dimitri froze when he saw me on the couch, in my black bra and jeans. It was kind of comfortable, kind of awkward. He was looking me up and down with awe clearly written all over his face- and was that desire I saw in his eyes? I saw desperately wanted to say "see something you like comrade?" but had a feeling it would break this beautiful moment.

"You're beautiful Roza" he said, his voice husky "it hurts".

I was stunned. "Painfully beautiful?" I asked, my voice shaky. I'd been called hot and a whole lot of other things by boys but never, never had I been called beautiful and to hear it from Dimitri, my whole world shook.

"Yes, you are painfully beautiful Rose" he shut the door, putting a chair under the knob so no one could enter. He joined me on the couch. "The things you do to my self control, your pure passion and dedication, your ability to understand things guardians twice your age don't- they all make you beautiful. Your soul is beautiful."

"Ohh comrade" I was on the verge of tears "never, never has anyone said anything like that about me. And to hear it from you- all the more special. You're the only one who gets me."

"Roza" he pulled me into his arms and my arms instinctively snaked around his torso. "Can I?" He asked tentatively.

I looked up at him, his mask was completely down- totally vulnerable to me "can you what?"

"Kiss you. Can I kiss you?"

"Yes" I breathed. And with that his lips came down gently on mine. Slow and tender and my lips responded to his my heart racing. My hands went to his hair and pulled his ponytail holder out. His arms went around my waist- my skin sparking and burning wherever he touched me. His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily granted it. The intensity picked up- full of need and an animalistic passion. He made me feel safe, loved and complete. He started tracing light butterfly kisses up and down my neck then returned to my lips. I had been on his lap and he laid me down on the couch. Pulling away just enough to throw his duster off before returning to me. My hands explored his abs under his shirt and his hands explored every inch of my bare torso. He pulled back just enough for me to pull his shirt off and I quickly pulled him back to me. I felt vulnerable without him touching me. I lost track of where I ended and he started. I knew with absolute certainty this amazing man was my other half- my soul mate.

"This is insane." He breathed.

"I know."

"I love you Roza, I shouldn't but I do- I love you, so, so much."

"I love you too comrade."

He traced the top of my jeans, asking if it was ok, and they came off without breaking the kiss. I soon had his off and my legs wrapped around him.

"Oh Roza- this is dangerous, but I feel like if I avoid you it'll be worse."

"Then take the risk comrade- for once do what your heart tells you what is right." And with that any remaining self-control was shattered. The rest of our clothes came off and I gave myself over to the only man I ever wanted, the only one I'd ever love.

"I love you comrade."

"Right back at you Roza." After a few moments he added "I hate to break this moment but we need to figure out how we're gonna keep up the stamina and resistance training and add in combat moves."

"In other words get dressed and back to reality" I sighed and started trying to find my clothes from where they were strewn all over the room. I noticed Dimitri looking at my naked body and asked "see something you like comrade?"

"Like? I think you mean love?" And turned to get dressed himself. Once we were appropriately clothed he opened the door just enough and came back to kneel in front of me and asked "how are we gonna find the time to also teach you combat?"

"More hours. I missed 10 hours per week for 90 something weeks. That's 900 hours to catch up on. So, 3 hours each morning, 3 each night, 6-8 hours on Saturdays and 6-8 each Sunday."

"Let's go see Alberta- after we go to your dorm and brush your hair."

"Your gonna have to borrow my brush to deal with your own hair too comrade" I giggled.

"Roza" he warned playfully.

"I'm actually serious Dimitri."

"Let's go."

We made good time to Alberta's office after stopping by my dorm to brush our hair.

"Come in" she called after we knocked.

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