Chapter 5

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We met at the gym the minute training was due to start. "Hey comrade. I'm exhausted but don't go easy- you're just as tired."

"Wouldn't dream of it milaya" and he didn't. Training was as tough as normal. And my yawn at the end got stifled by a kiss- a cautious but hot and steamy kiss.

I got a short nap at lunch, but when I got back to class rumours went flying- about Jesse and Ralf. I walked into training on the verge of tears and at the sight of Dimitri they spilled.

"Oh Roza."

"You heard?"

"I was in your classes as usual, so unfortunately- yes. But we know the truth" he winked.

I giggled "yes we do. You're making me soft Belikov- the first person to make me giggle!"

"I'm honored."

"Now- training program."

"Altered. Laps, dummies- staking, weights, sparring. You're getting a nap before dinner instead of theory- no buts- you need it. I'll meet you after dinner." I got my nap and spent dinner with Mase and Eddie.

Dimitri was waiting at my door when I got back. "How you holding up?"

"Better- you were right, I needed that nap." I let him in.

"We're stopping at midnight" he told me me gently, after I locked the door he kissed my forehead.

"If you do that I won't be able to focus" I teased.

"Right. What's first?" We went at those assignments with all we had and by midnight we had two drafts done. He stayed again and snuck out after waking me in the morning.

We repeated the nights (post dinner) for the next 3 days and all my assignments were ready to hand in. The rumours that were still going around were rolling over me like water off a ducks back.

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