1.Let go

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Jaehwan POV:
I woke up from my sleep when my alarm started going on.I slowly got up and did my morning routine and headed my way to my beloved friend Jin.

My parents died when I was 5 years and my relatives refused to take me in.When I was wandering in a park I saw him for the first time 'Jin'.

He approached me and comforted me.I told him that I lost my parents.He sadly looked at me and said that I should live with him.Eventhough I did not understand what he was saying I agreed not getting the heart to refuse such cute,adorable boy.

After about 15 minutes his brothers came and Jin explained them everything.I was shocked at first of how smart Jin is for his age of 4 years.His brothers took me to their home which was a huge manison.

Their parents gladly took me in and treated me like their own son.They even asked me to call them Mom and Dad which I really felt uncomfortable with.

Don't get me wrong though.I did not want to take leniency so I refused.

End of flashback.

I made my way to Jin's door and knocked on the door but got no response. So I knocked again. Hearing no response I went in to find Jin sleeping peacefully.

I took in all his beautiful features but frowned when I saw dried tears on his rosy cheeks.Then I recalled how Jin has been acting from the past week after hearing the news of the death of his parents.

He was the most pampered by his parents. They spoilt him in the most adorable way possible.After they had died a week ago in a car crash Jin was the most affected.

Not that we weren't affected but Jin was the most vulnerable. He refused to eat when he loves food the most.He lost his appetite.
Even his brothers are so much worried for him.They tried every way possible to get him back to normal but Jin wasn't letting go.

I made my way to his bed and softly pecked his forehead.He began to shift in his sleep.I continued to do it for a couple of times then he slowly got up and brought his fists together to his eyes to rub of his sleep.He looked so adorable doing that.

"Good Morning Jinnie"I said.He looked at me and gave a small smile.

"Good morning hyung"he greeted me back but his face fell immediately. Noticing this,I pulled him into a hug.He broke down to tears and sobbed into my chest.

"It will be OK Jinne. Let them go."
"No hyung, I can't get over them.It hurts.I want them."

I sighed."It's OK Jinne.Now go get ready. Chan hyung and Hyungsik hyung want you down stairs."

He snifled and got up to go get ready.Sighing I left his room and got down.

Jin POV:

After Ken hyung left me I broke down again. No matter how much I tried to let them go I could not.They were my everything. Honestly I want to lock myself in my room and not to go anywhere but my hyungs insisted to get down.

I got ready and got down. Chan hyung, Hyungsik hyung and Ken hyung are around the dining table discussing something.
"Morning hyungs",I said lowly.
They signalled me to come over. I sat down on a chair across Hyungsik hyung.

"Jin-ah, we are moving to Korea."

Hyungsik POV:

"Jin-ah, we are moving to Korea",
I said.He looked at me with wide,shocked eyes and frantically shaked his head refusing.

"I am not asking you for permission. It is decided and we are going to Korea",I said with finality in my voice.

"But hyung I don't want to leave this place. Our parents memories are here. I don't want to go."


With that he left the room with tears.I sighed in frustration.
"Hyung you must not have shouted on him", Chan exclaimed.
"I know Chan,but he is being so stubborn. I can't let him live like this."
"Hmm...I will go check on him."

Chanyeol POV:

I went to Jin's room and knocked. After some shuffling sounds were heard,he opened the door. His eyes were red and puffy due to the crying he has done,dried tears visible on his cheeks.

I pulled him into my chest and made my way inside to the bed.I sat on his bed.
"It's for the best.You know he didn't mean to shout at you right."
"But it hurts hyung, to leave this place. "
"It's OK to let go Jinne. It's alright."

Hello guys!!Hope you are enjoying the story. If I make any mistake please mention it.I promise it is going to get better. Let me know if you want anything to be added.Also please make sure to add comments because this is my first time writing a story.
Thank you for reading this book guys.

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