He's Changed

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I've tried for four years to get Bill to forgive me. I've called and sent messages. I came home every year for two years,for the breaks and yet he wouldn't speak to me. I just decided to concentrate on school. I just need to get my diploma since I'm not attending the graduation ceremony. I decided to fly back home and start my architecture business out there.

"I'll miss you, bro."

"I know you will, Cyrus. But I have to get home."

"Is that your brother?"

"We've been dorm mates for four years and you are just now asking me that?"

"Never had the chance being that you ran out the door in record time might I add, every time I've wanted to ask you."

"Yes, that's Bill."

"He's a cute little chap. How old is he now?"

"About thirteen. His birthday is in September."

"Isn't yours the first?"

"Yeah and he's on the sixteenth."


I hugged him one final time and carried my final suitcase outside. It felt a bit sad to be leaving after calling the uk my home for four years. I gripped the handle of my suitcase tightly and placed it in the shuttle.

"Well this is it." I sighed.


Simone carefully set up the dining room for the arrival of her eldest son. Bill was out at the grocery store picking up Tom's favorite cake. Jörg was in the room preparing for Tom to pack his things away. The house was quieter since Bill didn't bring any of his eigth year friends home, not that he had any.

Simone practically leaped from her skin when she heard the doorbell. She raced to the door and opened it to reveal her older son.


"Hi, mom."

She engulfed him in a hug and squeezed him tight.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

"Your father is upstairs fixing up your old room."

"That's awesome."

"You've gotten so big and you've got a bit of an accent."

"Yeah, I spent four years in another European country, what do you expect?"

Tom searched the house for any traces of his brother and came up empty.

"Bill is at the store getting some groceries for me."

Tom nodded and smiled at his mother.

"I'm going to take my things up to my room. "

He brought some of his suitcases up stairs when he heard the door slam. He went down to see his this black haired kid handing his mother a clear shopping bag.

"Tom, look who's finally here."


"What?" The teen scoffed.

"You've changed."

"Mom, I've done what you've asked of me, do you anything else? If not, I'm going to my room."

"Okay, sweetheart."

Bill stomped past his brother and went into his room, slamming the door behind him.

"He's gotten so tall and so...different."

"That's the same Bill. He's been going through some changes and I guess without his big brother around he felt lost."

"Does he have any friends?"

"I don't know."

Tom sighed and brushed his long black hair back.

"I'm sure he'll come around. You're probably exhausted."

Tom nodded and went up his room but before he closed the door, he glanced at his brother's room, wondering what was going through his head.

My Mistake (Sequel To My Baby Brother)Where stories live. Discover now