Lies, Lies, Lies

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"I mean it. I'm gay and that's why I don't go to church anymore."

"Tom, this is, I mean, you've got to be joking. I mean I expected Bill but's not possible. Maybe it's a phase?"

"No, it's my lifestyle. I'm gay." Tom repeated.

His grandparents exchanged looks and quietly left. Jörg let them out without a single word being exchanged. He decided to grab a beer and sit in the porch. Simone stared at her son and closed the door behind her. She found a seat on Bill's computer chair and sighed.

"Tom, did you take the blame for Bill?"


"Bill, honey, I've always known. I caught you with Kris. I didn't care though. You're my son. Tom, why'd you do that?"

"He goes through so much hatred that I wanted to take some of it away. So I said that, I'm sorry."

"Don't you ever be sorry for protecting your brother. I'll um clear this up with Oma and Opa but I won't tell them about Bill. I'll just say we support you until Bill, until you're ready to tell them."

"Thanks, mutti."

She kissed Bill's forhead and left the room.

"I'm going to go talk to dad." Tom sighed.

"I'll stay here. Tomi, please stop taking blows for me."

"No, I won't. That's my job. I take all the bullets. You've been abused enough."

Bill sighed sadly and watched his brother leave. He felt like shit, Tom lied to his parents about what happened, Tom lied to his grandparents about his sexuality, and Tom lied about the rape. Why is it that Tom will get the shit storm yet I'll be fine, Bill wondered. He glanced over at a picture of him from his first day of school. Tom was holding him on his shoulders while the then six year old smiled widely. He loved his brother despite feeling abandoned when he left for college.

"Tom, why do you care so much about me?"

He got up and approached his vanity. He gripped the mirror and flung it to the ground. The increasingly numerous amount of rage his body held was immense. He just kicked the mirror crying out with each point of impact. He wanted to just scream but didn't know how. Tears cascaded down his cheeks and he collapsed to the floor in body racking sobs.

Simone listened to her son from the kitchen, knowing this temper tantrum was long overdue. Aeling of relief washed over her. The mother hung up the phone and decided to check on him. She opened the door to see Bill crying at the epicenter of the mess. She spotted his bandages and was shocked.

"Bill, what happened?"

Tom had reappeared and immediately crouched at his brother's side.

"He fell at the ice cream parlor." Tom lied.

"Stop lying for me! I didn't fall, mom! I tried to kill myself and Tom found me!"

"Why would you do that?!" Simone shrieked.

Jörg had joined his family upstairs and he was shocked at the multitude of the mess Bill had made.

"I was tired of living! People bully me, and I'm beat up everyday. But that's not what made me do it. Kris broke up with me and watched while four or five guys assaulted me. One of them was even recorded ra--raping me!" Bill cried.

"Oh my god!" Simone cried.

"I but no one cares. Those kids at school just laughed at it. Some even said I deserved it because I'm such a fag!"

"Bill, please, stop." Simone pleaded.

"No! I'm tired of hiding behind Tom. Why should he suffer because I can't get my shit together?! It's my fault."

"Bill, rape is never the victim's fault. Those boys violated you. Tomorrow, you're going to the police and we'll get this whole thing sorted out." Simone stated.

"And no more lying, from now on we only tell the truth." Jörg added.

"I understand." Bill sniffled. "Can I go to sleep now?"

"Sure, you've had a long day. Tom stay with him."

"Don't gotta tell me twice."

Bill stumbled to his bed and Tom cuddled with him. Simone with Jörg's help cleaned up the glass and they left the room. The brothers had fallen asleep and for once Bill had good dreams.

My Mistake (Sequel To My Baby Brother)Where stories live. Discover now