Oma and Opa (II)/Moving On

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Bill sat with his hair draping his face in the living room, picking at his shirt and trying to avoid eye contact with the judging elders. He looked at Tom occasionally and then back at the ground.

"Bill, is there something you want to tell us?" Oma Said.

"Tom's not gay. He only said that to cover up for me. I'm gay."

They looked between each other and then back at Bill.

"Why would you lie to us Tomi?"

"You guys bully your own grandson."

"We don't bully him. We only shun his antichrist behavior. I mean look at him. You're so smart and talented and he's that lump of nothing." Opa sighed.

"Don't talk about my son like that. You guys can go to several levels of hell before you dare insult him. In fact, get out!" Simone stated.

"Simone why would you allow this disgusting behavior? Why would you even think we'd wanna hear it?" Her mother asked.

"Bill has been going through something and we wanted your support in helping him get through this."

"What has this deviant been going through? Satan running through his veins?!" Their grandfather exclaimed.

"No! A bunch of boys at school raped me!"

"Oh please. I'm sure you wanted it." The elder woman said.

Bill stood up and picked up the flower vase from the coffee table. He tossed it down, causing water and flowers to splatter everywhere.

"Fuck you! I would never want that shit! I wanted my first to be the man I fucking loved! Being gay is like being straight! I love men like you love your husband. How dare you even say that shit to me?! You had better get out of this house before I fucking kill you!" Bill screamed.

"You rude, insolent child!"

They got up and left, slamming the door.

"Bill, sweetie are you alright?"

"Mom, I don't ever want to see them again. I just want to be with my family and that's it."

"Don't worry. We'll keep them away."

Bill hugged Tom because he felt he would lose his mind without him. That was his brother. Tom loved his brother. They loved each other. That night they slept in the same bed because Tom knew that Bill would need the comfort. So Tom held him close and helped him sleep only to conk out himself.

"My boys don't need anymore drama." Simone told her husband that night.

"I know. The company is planning on relocating us to another section."

"Really? Where?"


The wife and mother thought on it long and hard and finally sighed.

"Take it. I can find another workplace. We'll move to the United States."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Tom and Bill need a new space."

"Okay. I'll tell my boss in the morning."

The next morning Bill and Tom sat in the kitchen and Bill watched Tom read the contract for the building he was considering buying.

"Boys, how do you feel about Connecticut?"

"What do you mean?" Bill asked.

"Your father's company wants his sector to move out to Connecticut and I was wondering how you feel about moving to Connecticut."

"Really? I mean I'd have to find building to open my architectural practice out there. But I wouldn't mind. Bill?"

"Does it mean I get to leave Europe?"

"Of course."

"Then yes. Let's go. I don't wanna be here anymore."

Packing for Bill was easy. They found a school that he could attend that they could afford. Tom found a few buildings out there. To Bill moving was his fresh start with his brother and with his life. He closed it final suitcase and taped his final box marked 'makeup'. He carried them out to the moving truck and placed it inside. He quickly got in the car and sat in the backseat next to Tom.

"This is it, boys." Their dad chirped.

"I know and I'm ready." Bill sighed.

"Good. I hope you enjoy Fairfield Country Day School. It's all boys." Simone smiled.

"I know. You've showed me every brochure you acquired. I can't wait to get there."

The car pulled away from the sidewalk and Bill said goodbye to the block he's known his entire life. The house that he was born and raised in. The streets he chased Tom on. The pool he swam in.

His whole life was this area and now Bill had to pick up and leave. But he wasn't upset, he was relieved. Those boys wouldn't hurt him. He felt like he would now be allowed to be himself. He fluffed his hair and for the first time in years, he smiled brightly and laughed a little. He was getting out, he was leaving behind all the pain and regret and now he can be happy.

"Mom, dad, Tom, thank you so much for this. I feel ten times lighter." Bill smiled.

"We aren't at the airport yet."

"Doesn't matter. I'm getting out of this place." Bill chuckled.

"I'm glad you're happy." Simone smiled.

"I'm glad he's happy too." Tom smiled.

The older brother felt like he wasn't a failure anymore. He officially felt like Bill was the same little kid he left four years ago. He looked over at his brother and saw the same smiling kid that he was before Tom left. He could see this little curious kid who would stare out the window, counting all the animals he saw. It was cute and it was soothing.

"I'm glad you're back, Tom."

"I'm glad you're back too, Bill."

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