Talk To Me

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Dinner was an awkward silence. Tom occasionally glanced at his brother but wouldn't say a word. They both felt the tension of lost years with no communication. Bill had to initiate contact or it would never happen. He didn't get why nor did he want to question it. Bill has always been a weird kid. But looking at him now, it was difficult for Tom to see any of the tiny child in this teenager.

Bill was mutilating his chicken with his fork. He glanced up at Tom with his kohl lined eyes and back at the chicken breast he was tearing to shreds.

"So Bill, how--."

"I'm done and going to my room."

Bill stormed out of the kitchen and up to his room. Tom looked sadly at the stairwell. Why did his brother hate him so much, he wondered. Bill didn't even try to have a connection with him when he called or visited. He wasn't angry that Bill wasn't trying to have a relationship with him. He was simply disappointed, wondering what could've happened in the past few years that turned his brother into that emo disaster.

"He's been having a hard time since you left. I haven't seen Andi come around in a while and I think he's being bullied at school. But of course, he won't tell me. He just locks himself in his room."

"I could talk to him. That's my job as his older brother anyway."

He got up from the table and found Bill's room. He could hear screamo escaping the room. He contemplated knocking but knew he'd just be turned away. He gently opened the door and the music got even louder. He didn't even know that Bill could like something like this. But then again, he didn't know his brother anymore. The boy sitting in that room was a stranger to him.

"Hey, Billa Monster."

"Get out." He directed.

"Wait, talk to me. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, now get out." He deadpanned.

"Bill, please talk to me. I'm sorry for leaving."

"Sure you are. That's why you left because you're so fucking sorry."

"Bill, that's not fair."

"Not fair?! Not fair to who? You?! Look, I said it before and I'll say it again, you wanna leave me alone, fine! That's fine with me!"

"Bill, look I came back for you. I came back because I felt like I failed you."

"You failed no one but yourself. You should've stayed in the uk. There's no use for you here."

"Bill, look I'm sorry. I had to go to college."

"You left the same day you told me, asshole! Ugh, just get out!"

He shoved his brother out of room and slammed the door. Tom put a hand on the wood and he heard the music be turned back up. Bill hated him and it tore him apart. If he could go back in time he would've turned down college. He didn't want Bill hating him. His heart panged with guilt and hot tears streamed down his face.

"Bill, I'm sorry, please forgive me."


Bill sat on the floor clutching his phone tight in his hands, messages from bullies constantly rolling into his inbox. Why he decided to get a Facebook was a mystery to him. They left hateful messages on his page and in his inbox. Everyday he woke up to forty to fifty hate filled texts. He used the loud music to hide his sobs.

This whole thing was enough to drive a kid to suicide and he thought of it but would never execute it. He loved his boyfriend too much. Kris was his everything and he'd never leave him behind. It didn't help that the hot shot gangster would make him think of the time when he loved Tom. Now he hates his brother's guts and wouldn't care if Tom were to drop dead right now.

He freaked when Tom opened the door. He hid his phone and wiped his tears away. He glared as evily as he could at his brother and they had a brief argument. He was trying to justify leaving him behind. Nothing would justify that, the teen thought. Kris would never leave him. He finally shoved his brother out and returned to his seat on the floor.

He unlocked his phone and scrolled to his messages and saw one from Kris.

'Bill, this is me breaking up with you. I'm sorry but being with you is ruining my rep and you know how much my rep means to me. I'm a hardcore g and I need bitches on my arm not a man. Sorry again. Have a good life.'

Bill's heart leapt into his mouth and he let out a choking sob. His reason for living was gone. What's a suicidal teenage boy to do when he's got no one to be his anchor?

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