•Chapter 6•

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Mitchel's POV

"Come on, Come on." Jesse says to me as he drags me towards the back of the building we were in. It had multiple rooms for multiple artists to get ready peacefully. I was a little uncomfortable when I got here but the place warmed up to me and in some way it felt like home. There were plaques of artists who have gotten awards over the years and they were all so beautifully hung.

"Look," Jesse says to me as I continue to awe all the pictures we were passing. There was an empty space for whoever won Best Song of the Year. Every time I thought about us being nominated I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Whether we won the award or not, we were still performing and we were still lucky enough to be standing in this building.

"That's going to be where our picture goes." Jesse says excitedly. His excitement was adorable in some way. He had a major soft spot and once in a while he would let it shine. I liked that.

"I certainly hope so." I say. Gently running my finger along the bottom of the empty frame. The thought of being on the stage full of thousands upon thousands of people scared me but I knew we would make it work. We were those type of people. Maybe we looked like we didn't belong but it was a moment I knew I would never forget. Regardless of what others thought.

"How have you been?" He asks. I swallow and look over to the right of me. Everyone knew how I felt besides Christian and it was becoming harder as the days went by.

"Fine. I guess." Letting out a big sigh that said otherwise. "You need to talk to him." Jesse says softly. I shrug and start to walk back to our room that was ours until all of this was over.

"It's not that easy." I mutter to myself as we walk back.

"I don't doubt that it's not but you can't continue to avoid him, Mitty." I sigh and turn the corner, seeing Pat frustrated with the TV remote and continuously banging it against his hand to see if it would work. I roll my eyes and grab a water from the fridge.

"Where's Clinton and Christian?" I ask as I take a sip of the cold water that made me shiver.

"I don't know dude." Pat says.

We had to be back on stage in 5 minutes and no body seemed to be ready. I walk to the side of the stage and see Christian and Clinton. I knew it was bad to eves drop but I heard my name roll off one of their tongues.

"Please." I hear Christian plead. I furrow my brows but continue to listen. Clinton sighs and I peak and see him looking at Christian intensely.

"Mitchel is in love with you."

My eyes widen and I fight the urge to run out the building and never come back. Never once did I think Clinton would tell him but him being my brother, I should've known better. I decide to face whatever the consequences were about to be.

"Wow," I say as I appear in front of them. Clinton quickly faces me but Christian looks down. I had no idea how I was going to handle this situation but I figured I would try my best.

"Look at me." I say firmly. Christian lifts his head and looks me in the eyes. I fight the urge to smile so I look away this time.

"What were you thinking?" I say to Clinton softly. I didn't want to cause a huge fight where Mike would hear so I do my best to stay calm. This wasn't the place or time, but then again, every other time it wasn't either.

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