I'm sorry

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Its been a few days since I woke up, every day the headaches getting better. But I still get dizzy spells and feel nauseous. Not a drop of alcohol has entered my body for almost a week, but I still wish to god that I could just get drunk. Unfortunately, hospital policy prohibits alcohol, but I'm getting out today. They have sent the discharge papers.

The nurses have been in and out all day, so it should be soon. I just want that sweet, sweet burn in my throat. That fire in my stomach. The
reminder I'm nothing but a silent sheep on the crossing to hell, drinking his life away.

Fuck my liver, fuck my health, I just wanna feel the fire. The pain, the hangover, the dizziness, not being a part of myself anymore. The thoughts and feelings are all but overwhelming. I need time to lose myself, in music, in the liquor, the pulse beating in my neck was too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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