Three Months Later

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I am lying in bed looking at my gigantic stomach. I have been pregnant for about 5 months now and I am thinking that I am going to have twins because my stomach is so big. It looks like I am 9 months and going to have a baby soon. 

Joey is still gone watching or probably killing the rouges that have been seen on the border three months ago. So for more than half of my pregnancy, the father of my child has not been here for me, but I have help from Carrie, Beth and many other women on our town. 

So right now, I am just sitting doing nothing, but watching my stomach. Carrie should be checking up on me soon, but I don't know when exactly when. I decided to start reading one of my books that Beth went out to get me, but when I was leaning over to get it, I felt a really bad pain on my stomach. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom, I collapsed and just laid on the ground, screaming in pain. Over the screams, I heard feet pounding up the stairs and down the hall. Carrie and Beth came rushing in just as I was blacking out. 


AS I was waking up, I was looking around to see where I was. It looked like I was in one of the hospital rooms we have in the house. I saw Beth and Carrie sleeping in the chairs.

"Beth, Carrie." I said as I was still waking up.

They both shot out of their seats an came rushing over to me. "Zo are you okay. You blacked out for two weeks." Carrie said and my eyes went wide.

"Two weeks. Is my baby okay?" I became paranoid.

"They are perfectly fine. You rolled over wrong and a sharp pain went through." 

"Wait, they? I am having twins?" Carrie nodded as I said that.

"Yes sweetie." Carrie gave me a hug and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth.

"I''l go get the doctor and see when you can get out." Carrie said and then left Beth and I alone together.

"Hey Beth, does Joey know I am here?" I asked her.

""Yea he wants to be here, but another group of rouges came towards to border. He is really sorry." she told me.

"It's okay. Oh and I want to tell you that I want you and Austin to be my kids Godparents." 

"REALLY!!!!!!" Beth was jumping up and down in joy. "Thank you. I love you so much." she gave me a hug and squealed.

"You are welcome. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the godparents of my children." as I finished what I was saying, Carrie walked in with the doctor.

"Mrs. Parks, you have finally woken up. How do you feel?"

"Pretty good. I have a little pain in my stomach."

"That's expected. We don't want to harm the babies, so we won't give you any medications. So what I want you to do is to stay in bed and if you need to get anything, have someone get it for you, so you don't get this pain again." 

"Okay thank you doctor."

"No problem, hopefully see you when those babies are born."

"Okay bye." I said and got up and sat in the wheelchair that is provided for me.

Carrie, Beth and I all left the hospital and went back home. When we got home, Luke was waiting outside for us. He came to the car, opened the door and picked me up. He carried me up to my room and sat me on my bed.

"If you need anything, please call any of us. We don't  want you to get in anymore pain." Luke told me.

"Thanks Luke. Oh, I was wondering when Joey would be home?" I asked him.

"I have no clue sweetie. Whenever we get a call, I will let you know." Luke said and then left.

I grabbed the remote and flipped the TV on. I was searching through the channels, when something caught my eye. It was channel 5 News. On the TV is the reporter and a strange man that looks awfully familiar. As the reporter was talking with the guy, I was trying to think where I have seen the guy from. 

Then it hit me. The guy on the TV is my uncle who is in the rouge group that Joey is tracking down. I immediately grabbed my phone and called for Luke to come up to my room. 

"What is it Zoey?" Luke asked as he walked in. 

"The person on the TV that is being interviewed in my uncle. He is in the rouge group that Joey is hunting down." I told him. 

"How do you know?" 

"for all of my life, my uncle has been trying to kill my family and I. He hates that we are wolves." I told him the shorter version of the whole story.

"I will contact Joey and the group about this. Thank you Zoey. Do you need anything while I am here?" he asked.

"Could I have a glass of water and a plate of carrots and dip?" 

"No problem. I will bring that up." Luke ;left and then I was alone again.

About five minutes later, Luke came back into my room with water and food. I thanked him and then he left.


I must have fallen asleep after I ate the carrots because I woke up and it was pitch black outside. I grabbed my phone, which was next to me and the time said 4:32 in the morning. 'I lspet a long time.' I thought to myself.

I looked next to me and saw an empty spot. I felt so alone, since Joey was still gone. It also feels so different without him being here. As I was thinking about Joey, my eyes get really heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep again. 

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