1:30 A.M.-October 17th 2015

19 1 0

"Babe, babe wake up. I think my water broke." I shake my werewolf husband, Joey, awake.

"Go back to sleep. We can deal with it in the morning." Joey mumbled.


"Oh gosh. Okay let's go." I have never seen Joey get up this quickly, since, well I think I have never seen him get up this fast ever. 

As we were running through the house, Joey was yelling, "ZOEY IS GOING TO THE HOSPITAL. EVERYONE GET UP!!!!!"

Joey put my into his car, got into the driver's seat and sped off to the hospital. I could tell everyone was behind us in their own cars. About five minutes later, we arrived to the hospital. 

Joey carried me in and started yelling again, "SOMEONE HELP!!! MY WIFE IS GOING INTO LABOR!!!!!!!" nurses came over to us and put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me into a hospital room. Everyone had to wait in the waiting room. One of the nurses told me I could have three people in with me. I chose Joey, Beth and Austin. They all got nurses outfits, then came into my room with me.


It has been about thirty minutes since I got to the hospital and now it was time for me to start pushing. I am in so much pain, that i start cussing, screaming and crying. Joey is holding my right hand and Austin and Beth are holding my left hand. I have pushed for about 5 minutes, when I heard a baby cry.

"Okay, one is out. Come on Zoey, just a couple more pushes. Then your other baby boy will come out." a nurse said.

I was crying so much, I couldn't hear my other baby crying. I was finally done and I sighed with relief.

I looked up and saw Joey holding both boys. I already knew they were going to be fraternal, so I didn't have to worry. 

"Zoey, what are you going to name the boys. The one in Joey's right hand was first. The one in his left hand is the second." the same nurse that was encouraging earlier said.

"The oldest should be named Tyler Ryan Parks. The youngest should be named Kyle Deven Parks." I looked up at Joey for an agreement. He nodded and handed me Tyler. I looked down at Tyler and could see Joey. I could already tell Tyler was going to be so much like Joey. I looked away from Tyler and saw Joey looking down at Kyle, smiling. 

"Tyler is going to be you. Stubborn, sweet and handsome." I smiled at Joey.

"Babe, I am not stubborn." Joey whined. I gave him a 'really' look and then he sighed.

"Of course you aren't. Can I let everyone else in?" I asked the nurse and she nodded. Joey handed Kyle to Beth and went to get the rest of the family. A few minutes later, Joey came in with Carrie, Luke and Becca and Ty. Carrie was the first one to come over to me. 

"Oh, how precious. My two new grandbabies. What are their names?" she asked as I handed her Tyler.

"Beth is holding Kyle Deven Parks. And you are holding Tyler Ryan Parks. Tyler is the oldest." I told everyone.

"They are so small." Becca commented.

"Yea they are, they came out earlier than expected." I said.

"Zo, you deserve some sleep. You look exhausted." Carrie commented.

"Yea babe. Go to sleep. The boys will still be here. I will still be here. Everyone else will still be here." Joey kissed my forehead.

I nodded and then fell asleep almost immediately after Joey told me. This will probably be the best sleep I while get for a while. 

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