6: Ourselves

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The depth of you goes much farther than just what is seen on the surface. With first glances, people can make their assumptions of you in the snap of a finger, but that doesn't define who you are. Deep within you is a swirling hurricane of personalities and your defining features that nobody gets to truly see if they don't make an effort.

You're beautiful. You're wonderful. And just because some people make their judgments of you based off of what they see on the outside does not mean you should do the same and judge yourself only by your appearance. You go so much deeper than that. And if nobody makes an effort to unveil that you inside, then that is their own fault.

Just as we can have an outer layer to a box that contains an amazing gift inside, we have a body that holds one of the most unique treasures. Ourselves. And we must learn to realize this. Sometimes - with all of the criticism in the world - we dub ourselves unworthy to even be here. But that is not true. Just because the world has its opinion on what we "should and shouldn't be," that does not mean we can't have our own opinions as well. And my opinion right now is that we don't have to be what the world thinks we should be. Because being ourselves is the best thing we could ever be.


YOUR CHALLENGE: Write down your favorite qualities about yourself! And have your family and friends list down their favorite qualities about you too! (Not anything about your appearance, but about what's on the inside.) Then I want you to write what everybody says into an organized list and keep it somewhere where you can see it every day.

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