3-Altered Fates

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The following weeks are better with Dabi around to talk with. He's a cool guy, to be honest, and both he and mom had to stop his dad from smothering Dabi when he returned from his overseas work to talk about the third holder of the Kamigami no Gigan.

Dabi, a.k.a, Todoroki Touya, was practically glowing when he heard the Midoriya are officially taking care of him. Not like they haven't decided before, but still!

The only person happier than him is Izuku, when he could share Kamigami no Gigan's secret to Dabi. He honestly love this family as much as he loves his mother and siblings.

-------Line Break-------

"So, you plan to dye your hair?" Izuku settled down beside Dabi, drying his wet green hair.

"Yeah, not like i hate green or anything, but i want to look like great grandfather. And also it blends in with others."

"So being a Vigilante can be easier?" Dabi snorted. Izuku shrugged.

"That's pretty much it. Dad already approved, mom's a bit relucant though."





"You didn't tell me you were gonna be a vigilante! What the fuck?!" Dabi shook the greenette violently. "I could've agreed for god's sake!"

"Slipped my mind?" Izuku grinned sheepishly, and Dabi deadpan at him.

"...You better tell me all that shit tomorrow. And give me cool names too." Dabi narrowed his eyes before flopping on the side of Izuku's bed.

"I will, g'night, Touya."

"Night, Izuku."

The two fell into a quick slumber after that.

---Next Day---

Izuku woke up earlier than usual, and without waking Dabi up, he got dressed and got out of the house. Not before leaving a note to his family.

He walked around the park Bakugou and him used to play in, and grimaced. Bittersweet memories, he supposed. Izuku intended to walk away when he saw a small blonde girl, maybe his age, sitting alone on the bench, her gaze downcast. There's a glint of loneliness in them, and he couldn't help it.

"Hey." He called once he sat down beside the girl. She looked up, surprised, before replying.

"Hey." Well, that's a start.

"Do you know that Endeavor is actually flaming trash who's ego is too big that i could kill myself by climbing it and jumping off to his IQ?" That's totally uncalled for. The girl looked in surprise again, before snorting and bursting out laughter.

"Hahahaha! Oh my God! *snort*-Hahaha!!" Izuku smiled at his poor attempt and the girl's joy at insulting the no.2 hero. He never gets bored in that.

"You, i would die for you." She declared dramatically after laughing her contents out.

"Please don't." He chuckled.

"Toga Himiko, you?"

"Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you." They continued to crack jokes and insult Endewhore more until noon.

"So, Toga-san, if you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?"

"It's... Shapeshifting." She looked away, avoiding his gaze. "I consume blood." Izuku broke into a grin.

"Holy crap, that's a useful quirk!"


"You could totally play pranks on people and they won't ever know who hit them! It's also a perfect quirk for infiltration and hostage-rescuing if you're interested in helping others (he refuse to say Heroic)!" Izuku rambled, unknowingly getting the respect of yet another person.

"Thanks, Izukun!" She grinned before hugging him. "What's yours?"

"Oh, it's no big deal." He scratched his neck before opening his eyes. Himiko took a sharp breath.

"They're gorgeous!"

"Izuku, there you are." A bored voice rung out the now full with kids park. Izuku turned to look at the one who called.

"Dabi, hey! I made a new friend!" Dabi deadpan. "Not really surprising." Himiko bursted out laughing again.

"Hey, Toga-san-" Izuku was cut off. "Call me Himiko!" She grinned.

"Himiko-san, would you like to hang out at our house? Mom might make extra Katsudon!" She looked at Dabi.

"Do it. Her food is heavenly. You'll never ever want to leave again. Ever." He deadpan for the third time, while Izuku whined. Himiko giggled.

Soon, they made their way to the Midoriya household, and greeting them with the brightest smile Himiko has ever seen Izuku made, is Midoriya Inko. And Himiko would consider her a goddess.

"Her Katsudon is now my favourite food, and i will have it to my funeral." Himiko had declared with a totally serious face once they got inside Izuku's and Dabi's shared room. Both boys also nodded solemly. That stayed for a while until they all exploded with laughter.

And the next days, Himiko continued to come to their house, again and again. Inko looked at the grinning girl as she talked happily with Dabi and Izuku.

"Himiko dear, would you like to stay with us from now on?"

She looked at Inko in surprise, and a bit of hope. Izuku laughed awkwardly, while Dabi smirked amusedly. "Knew it."

"I don't want to intrude, auntie Inko."

"Nonsense, you're my sons' friend, and by that you're family. No buts, dear." Inko grinned. The Legendary Midoriya Grin, and Himiko broke down into sobs.

"Thank you." She cried in the family's embrace.

"Thank you all."


Once they reached Izuku's room again, she asked how auntie knew of her past.

"It's my eyes." Izuku said, and gave her a book.

The Allseeing Eyes of God.

Later that night, when Izuku already went to sleep, Dabi and Himiko wakled out of their room. He circled his arms and raised a brow.

"So, prove yourself worthy enough of joining the Midoriya's Protection Squad, and you're in."

"The Legendary Midoriya Grin." Was all she said, and Dabi raised his hand. She doesn't hesitate to shake it.

"Welcome to the Midoriya's Protection Squad, Toga Himiko." He grinned.

"My pleasure, Dabi." She responded by grinning.

"Both of you, go to bed! It's One in the Morning!" Izuku grumbles from the bedroom. They quickly returned, but before getting in, Dabi said one thing.

"Don't forget our main mission, Himiko."

"I would resign the squad and kill myself if i even have a thought of betraying and/or hurting the Midoriya family." She swore.

"Good. Now let's go to sleep, Izuku's grumpy when he's sleepy."

"Yeah, lets." She grinned.

The Midoriya's happiness in exchange for her life? Oh ho, she could've killed thousands for them before killing herself.

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