Chapter 2

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*Mikey's POV*

Rory scampered of her phone in hand and I stood there trying figure out how to speak.  "Did you just kiss my sister?" Steve growled.

"No, my friend, she kissed him.  He just kissed back," Bryan replied for me.  Steve grumbled smething incoherent and threatened me.  We continued to wander around the mall and only saw Rory another time, flirting with a guy.  


Later, when I was at home, I began thinking about Rory.  I knew Rory had no feelings for me so why she did what she did as something totally confusing.  She has been single forever and I think that was her first kiss.  Why would she just throw it away like that?  Most girls make a huge deal about their first kiss and tend to have it with the 'special' guy.  I'm just her brother's best friend, I'm practically her older brother.  They moved because of me.  How does any of this make any sense?  I sighd in frustration and felt my head hurting.  I decided to go Steve's house and talk to him.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Rory.  My heart began to hammer against my chest.  "Hi Mikey!" she greeted.

"Hey Rory," I stammered.  What was wrong with me?  "Well Steve is upstairs in his room playing GTA so um enjoy yourself," she told me.  She skipped off to her room leaving me at the door.  I felt my heart slow but still felt really nervous.  I walked up the stairs and went to Steve's room.  "Hey man," he said.

"Hey, sup?" I replied.

"My sister let you in?"

"Yeah, such a strange child," I commented sitting down.

"Agreed, but what made you say that?"

"She was wearing make up and her hair was up in a special do.  I think she's going clubbing."

"Is it bad that whoever looks at my sister in a hungry way, I want to rip off their balls?"

"Nah, just protective brother shit." Before another word could be exchanged there was a knock on the door.  Steve sighed and walked to the door.  He opened it and there was Anna and Rory looking super hot.  Rory was wearing a floral skater dress and combat boots.  Anna wore a bandeau top, skater skirt, and pumps.  I felt my heart beginning hammer in my chest agian and my stomach turning.  "Stevie can you drive us?" Rory asked innocently.

"Yeah whatever, but I'm coming with you to keep an eye on you," he agreed.  I sighed and went to his closet.  The door closed and threw off my shirt.  "You realize that those 2 will end up looking after us and driving us home," I stated.

"Yep, I know." I shook my head and choose a nice button down he had.  I threw on some jeans and turned to look at him.  "Ready?" he asked.  I nodded and and we ran downstairs for our shoes.  I looked up and saw Rory standing over me.  "Mikey you look really good in that shirt," she gushed.

"Thank you, you look wonderful in that dress," I said.  She smiled and skipped off to the car with Anna.  "Hey Mikey we gotta go," Steve jingled the car keys in my face.  I shook the thoughts out of my head and ran to the car.  I took the passenger side and Steve took the drivers seat.  He drove out of the driveway and to the club.

As I entered the club I instantly felt better.  The music made the music shake and everyone was bouncing to it.  Rory and Anna ran into the crowd and began to dance.  I joined the crowd and soon Steve was next to me.  I spotted Rory on the far end of the room grinding on some random guy.  He seemed to really enjoy it and as did she.

*Rory's POV*

The guy I was dancing with was so hot can't even put it into words.  He groaned as I pressed my hips further onto his.  He spun me around and looked over me hungrily.  His hips were now grinding on mine and it felt so fucking good.  He pulled my head to his and our lips crashed together.  Our lip melded together, but I was pulled away.  "What the fuck is your problem!" Steve growled.

"Why do you have a problem with it?  She isn't your girlfriend is she?"

"No.  She's my sister, dumbass!" Steve spat.

"Wait you mean you're Steve's little sister?" 

"Yes!  That's who I am.  Thank you for the fun time but I think I'm going home," I stormed off.  God why is that my label?  'Steve's little sister'.  It is so stupid.  Everyone knows me by that name and it pisses me off.  I am Rory Raider, not Rory Raider, Steve's little sister.  Anna joined me on the walk out feeling my anger radiating off me.  We walked home together and fell asleep on my bed.


I woke up to the sun shining on my face.  I sat up and looked around the room. Anna was sprawled out on the bed and our shoes were next to the door and our purses on the desk.  I flopped back onto the bed when I hear the front the door close.  Steve and Mikey must still be asleep so it coud only be one person.  Dad.  I sped out of the room and down the stairs. I saw my dad in the kitchen and tackled him.  "Daddy!" I squealed.

"Hi princess," he laughed.  I got up and brushed myself off.  "What are you doing home?" I asked.

"Well the company gave me a few days off so here am," he replied.  I smiled and hugged him.  He pulled back and looked me over.  "So I'm gone for 6 months and you turn into a model?" he laughed.  

"What'd you mean?"

"Well first of all you're wearing a dress and makeup is all over your face.  Second you look a bit better than last time I saw you."

"Aw thanks dad," I smiled.

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