Chapter 10

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*Rory's POV*

I threw myself at Mikey trying to hurt him. "Hey, hey," he began, "we already had you attack me in the last 24 hours." I growled and lurched back. "You're lucky I love you," I mumbled.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, now let me eat in peace, go away," I waved him away and began eating again. I'm assuming he left because I didn't here another thing from him. I stopped eating loosing my appetite and dropped my fork. God I shouldn't have said that he could've heard me. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he knew. I mean he loves me back, I'm almost positive. He has to love me, or else he wouldn't care so much. I finished up my pancakes and went back to my room and found Mikey cuddling with the pillow as he slept silently.  I giggled to myself before tackling him.  "What the hell?"

"What?" I asked on top of him.

"Why'd you do that, I was very peaceful."

"I could see that, I just wanted to be a part of that peace.  Isn't that obvious?" 

"I forgot you were home, I wanted to sleep all day," he sigheed snuggling the pillow again.

"Well then fine.  I'll go to the beach myself," I said, knowing his weakness.

"What?! You're going without me? No fair," he whined. I laughed and pulled him out of bed, again.  "Well if we're going to the beach I have to change again, so get out," I commanded.  He groaned in annoyance, but trudged out.

I changed quickly, putting my top over my bikini and putting on shorts instead of my jeans.  I ran out of my room and knocked on Steve's door.  "Rory what do you want?" Steve called from the other side of the door.

"Where's Mikey?" I yelled back.  He didn't answer which meant not here.  Jerk.  I wandered back downstairs and Mikey held 2 towels and tapped his foot impaitently.  "I'm here!" I announced.  He rolled his eyes.  "What?"

"Nothing, let's go." He pulled my arm along with himself as he began to walk to the door.  "I can walk on my own you know," I stated as I peeled my arm away from his hold.  He laughed and me and pulled me to his side.  We walked stuck together the whole way there.

*Mikey's POV*

I love her.  I love her.  I love Rory.  I'm in love.  I looked down at the petie girl, by my side, laying on the sand, her skin absorbing the last of the sun's rays.  I'm in love with the girl right beside me and she doesn't even know it.  I want her to know it.  I want to scream it to the world, and on people's rooftops.  I want everyone to know.  But what if she doesn't feel the same way?  What if this a joke to her?  And i'll never know unless one of us says it first.

"Rory," I whisper into her ear an hour later.  The sun had gone down and we were the last ones there.  

"What?" she groaned.  Her eyes popped open one by one and looked at me.  "Well?" she snapped.

"Do you want to go into the water, no one else is around." She sat up and scanned her surroundings.  "Well shit," she laughed.  

"So yes?" She nodded eagerly and I pulled her up and  we ran into the freezing water together.  "Shit!  It's cold," she squealed.  I laughed at her and came from behind picking her up and therw her back in.  "Mikeyy!" she screamed.  I laughed and she tackled me from god knows where.  We emerged together and I held her in my arms.  "I have something to tell you," she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I love you."

"I love you too," I said, grinning.  She squealed.  "Rory scream it," I whispered.

"Only if you do right after," she bargined.  Giving her a thumbs up sign, Rory, turned her back to me and to the enormous body of water.  "I LOVE MIKEY FUSCO!"

"I LOVE RORY RAIDER!" She giggled and fell into my arms.  "Let's go home," she said.  I agreed and we walked home together hand in hand.

Haha heyy guys. Everybody hates me, oops.  Last chapter, because, it's cute like this.

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