Chapter 4

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*Rory's POV*

I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see Mikey looking down at me. "Wanna talk?" he asked.

"No, but I could use a hug," I replied. He pulled me in for a hug and held me tight. I snuggled close and felt his grasp tighten around me. I knew my tears stopped but I didn't want him to let go. It was like I belonged there. But, unfortunately, it didn't last. He let go and I stumbled back from loss of balance. "Can we please give 'us' a chance?" he pleaded.

"Why do that want that so bad?"

"Because I think it would work."

"OK, we can try it." Mikey smiled and pulled me in for kiss. I smiled into it and pulled away. "I think this is gonna work out OK," I agreed.


Anna handed me the 10 pound plate and I slid it on. We were drenched in sweat from our workout but we still weren't done. We drew a lot of attention, but we ignored it. I took two 25 pound plates and slid them on as well. I went under it and said, "OK, I need you you bench me." She did as told and helped me with the bar. I lifted it up and down about 5 times before pushing it back and breathing heavily. "Your turn." I let Anna go under and I helped her with the bar. She did the same amount before calling quits. "OK, I think I'm done," she breathed.

"Oh come on, no pullups?" I asked, knowing her weakness. For some reason we were obsessed with working out and we found these things appealing unlike most girls. "Fine one more thing." We skipped to the pullup bar most likely leaving a trail of sweat. There were 2 older guys- older as in 20- there and we waited for them. "Hello," one greeted.

"Hi," they replied trying to ignore them.

"I'm Paul and that's Brendan," he continued. Anna and I exchanged looks of annoyance before introducing ourselves. "Would you girls need some help with your pullups?" Paul asked as his friend hopped off. He introduced us and I mentally groaned. "We don't, thank you very much," I replied bitterly as Anna got herself ready. They looked unsure and studied me carefully. More like they studied my boobs. "Are you guys ready for the test on my boobs or do you need more time to study?" I spat.

"Well someone is pissy," Brendan implicated. I growled and turned away. Anna lifted herself off the ground and began her first set of pullups. I stretched, ignoring the jerks behind me, and waited for Anna. After 7 she felt satisfied and I hopped on. We continued this process about 3 more times ignoring the gaping dicks. After we were done we skipped away without another word.

As I changed I thought of Mikey. I wonder what he's doing right now. I put on my shirt and looked around for Anna. "Anna?"


"Where are you?" I continued to look around the bathroom not finding her. "I'm in the locker room," she replied quickly. I looked to my right and walked to the open and there she was putting on her shirt. I let out a breath of relief. "Ready?" She nodded and we left the gym.

Later I sat next to Mikey in the movie theater. "So how was your work out?"

"It was good, 2 jerks tried to flirt, but it was good." He laughed loudly and we received a lot of looks. "What?! The movie hasn't even started yet!" I yelled at them. They turned back and I rolled my eyes. People these days.

The lights dimmed down and the movie started. The movie was good, but by the end I was in tears. "Why are you crying?" Mikey asked. I explained myself, and he laughed. "You are so sappy," he commented. I punched his arm and he groaned. "You hit like a guy," he groaned rubbing his arm.

"No, I hit like a girl," I corrected by hitting his other arm.

"Stop, it hurts like a bitch," he whined. I threw my head back and laughed. We walked to the car, laughing. When we got there, tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Mikey, you are the best thing that happened to me," I smiled.

"You think so?" he said walking closer.

"Definitely." He kissed me and I returned it. He pulled me close so my chest was on his. I pulled away and looked up at him. "We have to tell Steve before this goes to far," I admitted. He sighed but nodded. I got in the car and we started home.

*Mikey's POV*

My nervousness built up as I drove Rory home. Steve was going to kill me. I stopped the car in front of her house and we walked inside. "Steve we have something to tell you," Rory announced.

"Yeah? Who's we?" he asked.

"Me and Mikey. We're dating." Steve stood up and looked me in the eye. He looked me over and smiled. "Congrats, I knew you 2 would hook up," he laughed.

"Steve we're not hooking up. We're actually dating, like lovey dovey dating," Rory explained. His expression changed. "What?" he sputtered.

"We're dating. Like I'm her boyfriend. I really like her, type dating," I elaborated. He swore and looked me dead in the eye. "Break her heart, and I'll kill you," he growled before smiling and sitting back down. "Well that went better than expected," she smiled.

"Yeah, no shit. I thought he was gonna kill me," I admitted. She laughed and kissed my cheeks.


Hey guys! When Rory explained herself but didn't put it into words, was because I don't want to spoil the Guardians of the Galaxy for anyone. So anyway, be sure to vote, comment, and share. Thanks fro reading, I'll be back soon.


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