Chapter 3

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*Rory's POV*

My dad and I chatted as we waited for Steve to wake up.  "So how has he been?" he asked.

"Oh you know, over protective, moody, and annoying," I replied.

"I am not moody!" Steve's voice called from the kitchen.

"I disagree, big brother!"

"What do you mean by over protective?"

"Well what she means is that I won't let her date anyone, kiss anyone, or dance with anyone," Steve answered for me.

"Not that I haven't already done that," I rolled my eyes.

"With who?" the 2 men chorused.

"Well yesterday Steve's friends flirted with me, um Mikey stole my phone so I kissed him to get it back, I went on a date with Ryan a few weeks ago, I danced with another one of Steve's friends, I made out with—"

"Shut up!  I don't want to hear what my little sister has done with guys, besides when did you have permission for this?" Steve wondered.

"I didn't made my own decision, I am old enough for that now.  And what?  You want me to be a saint?" I laughed.

"Wait you aren't a virgin?" Steve asked cluelessly.

"Nope, Dad got me my birth control pills awhile ago." Steve's jaw dropped and Dad shrugged.  "Dad how long ago was this?" Steve gasped.

"Well in freshmen year she started taking them and last Feburary she told me she lost it," Dad stated.

"Who was it?  I'm gonna murder him," Steve seethed.

"I don't think so he graduated last year," I shrugged.  My dad shook his head and I laughed.  Steve there looking at me like I had grown head.  The doorbell rang and sprang up and opened the door.  "Hi!" I greeted the group of boys.

"Are Steve's thing from last night?" one asked.

"Ugh no.  Do I look like a slut?  No I'm his sister."

"So this the famous Rory?" he said.

"Yes and she will not be letting you in cause you called her a slut," I slammed the door and plopped myself back on the couch.

"Who was that?" Steve asked.

"Your friends, but I didn't let'em it because they called me a slut," I replied.  I turned on my phone and went on instagram.  Boys' voices filled the living room and I groaned.  "What your fuck buddy wants to do something else tonight?" a guy asked me.

"Excuse me?" I stood up and looked him square in the eye.  "What?  You heard me, little girl," the guy spat.  I raised my hand and slapped him.  "Watch your mouth," I growled.  I stormed off to the kitchen and sat down next to my dad.  "What's with the scowl?" he questioned.  I ignored him and got a drink.  "Anna is upstairs sleeping," I stated.

"That's great!  I haven't seen her in forever!" my father exclaimed.  I smiled and felt a pang of sadness instantly.  Dad has to go back to Japan soon and soon it'll soon be me and Steve.  My mom doesn't live with us cause she passed away from breast cancer 12 years ago.  I sighed and plaster a fake smile on my face and walked to the living room.  The boys were yelling about something, but I ignored it and sat on the couch.  

After half an hour there wasa knock on the door and I sprang up to answer it.  Outside stood Mikey, I though he stayed over; guess not.  "Hi Mikey!"

"Hey Rory," he stuttered.  I shrugged and rushed upstairs to wake up my friend.


"Steve get your friend off of me!" I screamed.  Presently Steve's friend, Bryan, was on top of me trying to makeout with me.  "STEVE!" I screeched.  I was in my room and the door was closed.  Anna was in the bathroom and I was pinned oto the bed.  "Hey let's have fun," he smirked.  I sighed in defeat and he attacked my lips with his.  He slipped his tongue into my mouth and they danced together.  His arms lifted me up onto his lap so I was straddling him.  His hand went under my shirt looking for my bra clip.  I nibbled on his lip and he groaned in return. I heard voices outside but couldn't make them out.  The door open and Steve's voice filled the room.  "..hey Rory do you know where the— BRYAN GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY LITTLE SISTER!" Steve boomed.  Bryan pulled away and looked at him.  "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Steve roared. Bryan didn't answer and Steve looked at me.  "Why did you let him do this?" Steve growled.

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