Chapter 6

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*Mikey's POV*

I wandered into school with Rory. She stopped at the door, kissed me quickly, and ran off. I smiled to myself feeling giddy. A hand smacked onto my backed and I jumped. "Dude relax, just saying hi," Kyle, a friend, laughed.

"Yeah OK," I replied.

"So who was that? Your last night thing?" he asked.

"No! That was my girlfriend. She and I started dating last night."

"Wow. You're dating her, she doesn't seem your type," he stated.

"Yeah well she is." I stormed to my class. "Well Mr. Fusco, thank you for joining us. Please do tell shy you were late," the teacher smirked.

"Well someone told me to go to hell. I couldn't find it at first, but here I am." The teacher was fuming. I smirked to myself and sat down in my seat. "Thank you for sharing, Mr. Fusco," the teacher spat. We took out our homework and went over it. Soon my name was being called over the intercom, "Michael Fusco please come to the office." I stood up slowly and walked to the door. Everyone was snickering. I sighed and walked out. I went to the office and found Rory sitting next to a bloody guy. "Rory what happened?" I asked.

"That is why you're here, Michael. We haven't gotten a word out of her, please talk to her," the lady ordered. I looked at Rory and stared at her. "Rory come on we'll go get some ice cream," I beckoned her. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. She ran to me and into my arms. I held her and walked out. "Angel, mind telling me what happened?" Rory shook her head vigorously. "Come on, Angel I need to know," I prompted. She shook her head and snuggled closer. I sighed knowing she was shut up.

I pulled her to the direction of the ice cream shop and ordered for the 2 of us. "MIkey!" a girl's voice squealed. I spun around and looked at a girl in a tight shirt and skirt. "Do I know you?" I asked.

"Yeah! We hooked up last month!" she said.

"Uh, yeah," I scratched the back of my neck and started to pull Rory away. "Mikey don't be so shy, let's talk!" she offered.

"I can't, I'm with my girlfriend," I replied before dragging Rory away.

"Who the hell was that?" Rory piped.

"I'm not even sure. I think I hooked up with her when I was smashed, she may have taken me staying with her for the night the wrong way," I answered. She looked at me funny and I smiled nervously. I couldn't give her the idea that I was still into her.

Rory and I walked to the park and went on the swings. "So how's Madison and Jason?" she asked randomly.

"I'm not sure, we haven't talked in a while," I said honestly.

"You know I still don't know what happened to that band of yours," she told me. I shook my head telling her I wouldn't answer. I don't need to bring back old memories. She shrugged and went to the trash can. "Rory, you have to tell me what happened today," I told her.

"NO! I can't! I will when I want to, but I am too scared right now, I don't want to do this. I can't say anything. He made me promise I wouldn't say anything. I can't say anything," she weeped.

"What did he do, Rory?! You must tell me," I yelled.

"Stop yelling at me! I am in a bad place right now, and you're not helping," she growled. She started walking away. "No Rory, I'm sorry! Please come back. I need you here right now. Please I'm sorry," I pleaded. She ignored me and kept walking and soon she was out of sight.


Hey guys! So how's your day off going? Mine is going pretty well, I'm watching Pretty Little Liars and sitting on the couch. Someone keep me company, please. I'm bored. Anyway, what do you think is going on??? Maybe Rory won't be OK, but we'll see. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day!


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