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Your POV

"Uugggh! I'm borrred! Wilbuuurrr!" I yell in the practically empty house. Wilbur and I were the only ones here at home. Ever since I could remember, our families have been super good friends. We would hang out every single day, either at his house or mine. Also I forgot to mention the super huge crush I have on my best friend. I know it's wrong, but his eyes and lips and hair and voice just tell me.. No. It's not wrong at all. Ugh stupid feelings. Today our parents went on a trip and took the rest of our families with them. Wilbur and I weren't allowed to go because we got grounded. Technically wilbur was already grounded for the whole time machine fiasco, but I got grounded for sneaking my pet tarantula into school. So here I am sitting on wilburs couch waiting for him to bring me something to cure my boredom. Then I hear load footsteps coming down the stairs and I perk up. "Look what I found!" Wilbur says excitedly. He holds up a small box labeled 'pocky'. I look at him confused and ask "What is that?" He looks at me intently, "that... Is an excellent question!" I roll my eyes at him and he runs over and plops down on the couch with me. "This my dear y/n, is a game of speed." He takes a chocolatey stick out of the box and puts one end in my mouth. "We each start at one end and eat it till one of us gets to the middle first." Then he grabs the other end in his mouth and I feel my cheeks heat up with how close he is. I nod my head in understanding. Suddenly he says "Go!" and we start munching on the delicious treat. In less than two seconds wilbur has his lips on mine, and just as quickly, he's gone. I see him smirking at me triumphantly and I already know my face is practically a fricking tomato right now. I glare at him, then grab his shirt collar and pull his face close to mine. "Y-y/n? You ok?" He says laughing nervously. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you! Please don't kill me!" He yells. I smirk at him and before I could process what was happening, I gently kissed him on the lips. I feel him kiss back and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. It lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like longer. I pull away and when I open my eyes I see a red faced wilbur and I giggle. Wilbur looks into my eyes and says, "I like you. I have liked you since we were kids. And I just want to know... Will you be my girlfriend?" I nod and quickly hug him, squeezing tightly. "Of course I will. I've also liked you since we were kids." He backs out of the hug with a shocked face. "Really? That's just.. Amazing!" I laugh at his silliness and kiss him one more time before laying down and placing my head in his lap. He smiles and starts playing with my hair. "Wilbur" "Yea?" "I love you" "I love you too y/n"

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