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btw this one's a bit longer than usual

Your POV

*beep beep beep*

I slam my hand down on my alarm and shut it off. I slowly remove the covers and sit up in bed. I feel around blindly on the floor with my feet. I brush against something fuzzy and slip my feet inside the cozy slippers. I stand up and mope along to the kitchen to start my pot of coffee. Once it's done, I sit at my kitchen table and look out my window. Hover cars honk at eachother and I see Mrs. Robinson walking their pet dinosaur down the street. I wave gently and she smiles in return. I look to my calendar on the wall and the date says may 12th. How could I completely forget about my birthday!? I'm finally turning 21! I quickly drink the rest of my coffee and get ready to go out. I do my hair and makeup before choosing the perfect outfit. Then I slip on my shoes and get my keys as I rush out the door. I make my way to the garage and hop in my hover car. I drive off and stop at a large mansion that's shaped like an R. Seeing Mrs. Robinson reminded me that I had to pick up wilbur today. He said he wants to spend this special day with me. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Their butler, I always forget his name, opens the door and Wilbur pops his head out. I giggle at him and he smiles wide. Suddenly I'm being squished by strong arms and men's cologne. I hug him back and he releases shortly after. "Hey are you ready?" He looks at me and shakes his finger. "No, are you ready?" he says while grabbing my hand and shoving me into the passenger side of my car. He takes out a blindfold and wraps it around my eyes so I can't see anything. The engine starts and he starts driving. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously. "That is I excellent question!" He replies. I decide to leave it alone because when he says that, it means he really isn't going to tell me anything. I think about how long we have known eachother, it's been almost 12 years. He was my only friend when my family and I moved here. He was there through my ups and downs and over time I grew feelings for him. I guess you could call it a crush but that sounds so childish. He's the kind, generous, funny, and very handsome best friend that everybody wants. I can honestly say that I'm in love with him and I want to tell him everyday. The problem is that I have no idea where I stand in his eyes. I want so much more than to be just be friends with him. Suddenly the car stops and I hear his door open then shut. My door opens and he drags me out. "Watch your step" he says as he leads me up a small flight of stairs. A smile is planted on my face as I feel the excitement rise up inside me. I accidentally trip on one of the steps and a laugh escapes my lips as I hear Wilbur chuckle. I playfully hit arm. We continue straight for a short time and then he stops me. "Ok y/n. You can take off your blindfold." I slip off the fabric and stare in awe at the sight in front of me. There's a pool, bar, and all of my friends and family are here. I smile widely at the scene and everybody yells "Happy birthday y/n!!" I laugh and people come up to greet me. For hours I just party and have tons of fun with my girlfriends. We took shots and got totally wasted. I splashed around in the pool for a while and forgot all the problems I had ever had. Right now I'm sitting at the bar and I'm drunk as hell. My visions a bit blurry but I feel great. I feel a pair of hands grip my waist and I turn around to see somebody I had never met before. I look at him confused and ask him with slurred words, "who are you?" He replies with, "that doesn't matter baby, I think you need to rest. You've had too much to drink." He smiles at me and I nod. He uses his arms to help me stand and he takes me to an empty room with a bed. I sit down and lay back. This bed is so comfortable. I smile and close my eyes to rest for a moment but then a pair of lips attack mine. I squeal and try to push the stranger off of me but I'm too messed up. His hands hold mine down and he starts grinding on me while kissing my neck. I scream out for help but he places one hand over my mouth and whispers in my ear, "if you don't keep your mouth shut I swear you will be sorry." Tears sting my eyes as I silently cry underneath him. He starts to undo his belt buckle but stops when somebody bursts through the door. "Hey! Get off of her you creep!" Somebody yells. "Yo, get the hell out of here. Can't you see we are busy!?" The other guy yells back. Then their voices become muffled and everything goes black..

Wilburs POV

I see y/n at the bar and I'm about to go over but I'm pulled back by her mom who wants to take a picture together. I take the picture with her and I look over to the bar and y/n's gone. I look around frantically and don't see her anywhere. I start checking random rooms until I finally get to one that's not empty. I see a guy hovering over y/n. I yell at him, grab his shirt, and tank him off of her. I punch him and he falls to the ground with a bloody nose. I rush over to y/n and scoop her up into my arms. I carry her out of the room. I hope she's ok. This party was such a bad idea, man I'm such an idiot for doing this to her. It's all my fault. I make my way over to her car and set her inside while buckling her seatbelt. I get in and drive to her house. I carry her inside and put her in her bed. I place the blankets over her and tuck her in. I can't believe that guy would try to take advantage of her like that. I find a chair and sit in it next to her bed. I sigh and a tear falls down my cheek. "Y/n I'm so sorry.. Today was a mistake and I shouldn't have left you alone. I love you more than you will ever know.." A small groan comes from her and she whispers, "I love you too wilbur." I smile and kiss her forehead. I stay there throughout the night to make sure she's safe. I don't want her safety to be risked like that again. Sometime during the night, I fall asleep and wake upholding y/n's hand. I smile weakly and see her eyes flutter open and meet mine. "Morning." She says softly. "Morning." I reply in a low raspy voice. "How are you feeling?" She nods her head up and down then side to side as she gets up and runs to her bathroom. I hear gagging and go in to hold her hair back for her. "Thanks wilbur. For everything. What happened last night?" I hesitate for a moment before telling her the whole situation. By the end of it, she was crying in my arms.

**Time skip**

No one's POV

Wilbur and y/n confessed to eachother how they both felt and they started spending every second together. They were madly in love and nothing could bring them part. Sooner or later, Wilbur worked up the courage to ask y/n to marry him and she of course said yes. Now they live happily together with two kids. The end ~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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