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Aiden walks in the house and doesn't greet me or our parents. We look at each other confused.

"What's wrong with him" my dad asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know but I'm gonna go check on him" I say before getting out of my seat and following Aiden upstairs.

"Hey you ok?" I ask him when I get to his room. He's taking off his shoes and jacket. He shakes his head before he starts crying. I rush to his side and sit beside him hugging him.

"What's wrong? I thought you were hanging out with your girlfriend?" I ask him.

"I was but her dad came home early" he tells me.

"So that's why your crying?" I ask him. He shakes his head before letting out a huff of air and laying back on his bed.

"She told me to hide in her brother bathroom closet and I ran in there in nothing but my boxers. Her dad talked to her for a lil then her brother came back to take a shower. I made something fall and he opened the door and I was standing up leaning on it and when he opened the door I fell on him and his towel fell off. And you know how I tell you how much of a bitch he is? Well he was about to snitch but I climbed on his lap and covered his mouth. His dad and my girlfriend came into the bathroom. Long story short Aliyah was about to get her ass whooped but Jamal and I kissed so that her dad would think I was there for him but Aliyah wasn't in on the whole thing so she thinks that I really only come around for Jamal and she won't talk to me and I think she might break things off between us" he explains sadly.

"Damn" is all I could say.

"I know right? But the thing is his dad didn't believe the first small little peck and Aliyah didn't look hurt but when me and Jamal actually made out like me grinding on him and him grabbing my ass type of make out she looked hurt but her dad looked satisfied. I think that's the part where she began to feel hurt at" he explains.

"Well you just gotta go back and tell her that it didn't mean anything to you" I tell him.

"That's the thing....I felt something with him" he says

"Aw damn!" I yell jokingly.

"I know right" he says while laughing.

"Dad Ky'ree cheated on me" I tell him while crying. My dad looks at Ky'ree who is laughing but my dad is glaring at him. Get him dad!

"What you mean he cheated Zy'air?" He asks me.

"Dad he-he- I caught him cuddling with Johnny!" I tell him while still crying. My dad stands up and gets in Ky'ree face.

"Yo uncle Tre! Chiiiilllll bro! I ain't cheat on him!" He lies to my dad.

"My son don't lie! So why you cheating on him while he carrying y'all baby!" My dad yells angrily. I stop crying loudly and wipe my eyes but tears still silently fall.

"Uncle Tre I was cuddling with the big teddy bear I won him at the carnival!" Ky'ree says while laughing. My dads shoulder become un-tense and he turns and looks at me. I just sniffle while looking at him with a pout. My dad bursts out laughing and Ky'ree joins him. I run upstairs to my daddy and he's just laying in bed because he doesn't have work today.

"Dad Ky'ree cheated on me and dad and him are laughing about it" I explain to him while crying again.

"Awe baby I'm sure they have a good reason" he says as he rubs my back. The door opens and the cheater and my betraying dad walk in still laughing.

"Baby Ky'ree was laying in bed with a big stuffed bear and your son calls it cheating!" My dad says while laughing. I look at my dad with sad eyes hoping he won't laugh. His face turns red as he bites his lip. He turns away from me and I hear him laugh.

"Daddy!" I yell and him and Ky'ree answer at the same time with a "What!" I started blushing hard while everybody is laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" I yell before full out crying. Everybody stops laughing and I feel them all hugging me apologizing.

"Bro your dumb asf!" I tell Quency as we sit in his room chilling.

"Bro you know damn well you would have done the same!" He yells as we continue to laugh together.

"I would of played it cool! I would of just told her 'im sorry but I just remembered that I had to do sum' and then I would of kindly gotten my ass up out of there" I tell him while smiling.

"Nah I had to be straight up with her. Her shit stunk and if for a second she thought I was going anywhere near that fish trap then she needs to guess again! I ain't sign up to swim in no fish tank!" He says before we both start laughing again.

"Your dumb bro! But can I use your shower?" I ask him after we calm down from laughing.

"You got yo own shit right?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Nah I was hoping to burrow some of yours" I tell him.

"This the only time ight?" He tells me. I roll my eyes and nod my head in understanding.

"Ight you know where my closet is, help to self." He tells me as he turns on his ps4. I get off his bed and go to his closet. I grab a pair of basketball shorts and a white T-shirt.

"Where you keep yo towels at?" I ask him when I leave the closet. He gets up and walks into the hallway with me following behind him.

"Here you go" He says after opening a closet door in the hallway and handing me a towel.

"Thanks bitch ass nigga!" I tell him before walking back to his bathroom. I close the door and lock it. I turn the shower on warm water, I strip all of my clothes off, and get in the shower. After being in the shower for about 10 minutes with Jacquees blasting from my speaker I bought with me, I hear the door open up.

"How you get in?! I thought I locked the door!" I yell over the water so that he could hear me.

"Man that lock don't work and I gotta take a piss!" He yells back. I see his body figure walking to the toilet before I see something big and long come from out of his pants. Oh shit! Why am I looking in the first place?! I hurry and turn my head away from his direction. I continue to bathe the nasty sweaty smell off from basketball practice off of my body.

"That's stupid" I mumble still thinking about the fact that he knows the lock doesn't work - to one of the most privacy needed areas in the house - but he still hasn't gotten the locked fixed. while I wash my ass. All the of a sudden the shower door is swung open and Quency's head shows. I jump back and cover my private.

"You wanna repeat that?!" He yells at me smirking deviously.

"Get the fuck out!!" I yell while pushing him away from the shower and closing the door back. I hear him laugh before the door shuts. He's fucking annoying as hell. But he still my nigga.

Chapter 12 coming up next...

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